RGF is submitting an appeal on behalf of Voinea

RGF is submitting an appeal on behalf of Voinea

Posted by lala_b11

  1. If they deny it then it needs to come with a clear-cut image or video showing where the out of bounds occurred.

  2. And the mess continues. This is a ridiculous appeal given the circumstances. The entire case against Jordan is that her coach was 4 seconds late filing the inquiry. The entire case for Sabrina revolves around the OOB deduction that her coach did *not* inquire about on the day (and yes, you can file and inquiry about neutral deductions – the inquiry they submitted was for her difficulty).

    So it’s apparently not fine that Jordan’s coach was 4 seconds late, but it’s fine for Sabrina’s coach to have not followed the proper procedures on the day for inquiring about her score and instead appealing days later.

  3. They need to do that King Solomon thing where they say they’re going to cut the medal into thirds and whoever objects is the true bronze medalist.

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