Trump Mocked After Humiliating Himself in New Video BEGGING for Cash, ‘HE’S BROKE!!’

Trump Mocked After Humiliating Himself in New Video BEGGING for Cash, ‘HE’S BROKE!!’

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. This conduct betrays a fundamental misunderstanding—or worse, a willful disregard—of the sacred trust that public office represents. In a republic, where the right to govern is derived from the consent of the governed, it is incumbent upon those who seek office to do so with a spirit of disinterestedness and a devotion to the common good. To approach this solemn responsibility as a transaction, wherein the supposedly wealthy man—already possessing the means to finance his own aspirations—seeks further enrichment from the public purse, is to undermine the very foundations of republican governance. It reveals a character that values personal aggrandizement over public service, and ambition untempered by virtue or principle.

  2. Remember in 2016 when he said that he would self-fund his campaign? Like all his other promises…

  3. He is not broke, he is turning up the grift full force because he won’t be able to after he loses in November. 

  4. I’d rather give to the people who help abused animals than a billionaire who won’t sell assets to cover his own legal bills. A real man pays his own bills.

  5. OMG the Daily Mail is saying Trumps 7 points ahead and running a new policy based campaign on sterioids….and the whole centerpeice of it is…. fucking SPACE FORCE lol.

    he’s cooked

  6. Why don’t these stories just link the video so we can judge for ourselves? Instead we get a whole article of “journalism” telling us what to think.

  7. Trump super Pac Paid Melania Six Figures to speak at There own House: Maybe she will donate 🤪🙃

  8. Let’s be fair, even when he’s rich he would still be constantly begging and grifting for money.

  9. How could he be broke? I just read he was “diverting” money from other republicans campaigns?

  10. That asshole got $10B from his social media merger and was able to walk away with $4B of it, he’s also funneled money into his businesses during his time in office and still is from the government and he’s been pocketing donations for his defense fund that he hasn’t paid for with any of his own money, snakes not broke, just crooked.

  11. “I don’t need the money, I’m a billionaire, but I’m also begging for money.”

  12. Why isn’t Harris begging for money? Why isn’t she pushing shitty shoes and bibles? Weird.

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