‘Corn Sweat’ and Climate Change Bring Sweltering Weather to the Midwest

‘Corn Sweat’ and Climate Change Bring Sweltering Weather to the Midwest


by NeoconCry

  1. But keep shouting how it’s just a conspiracy by people with radical ideas, like… wanting to stay alive and having food to eat.

  2. “The heat is accompanied by humidity from two sources: moist air that is streaming up from the Gulf of Mexico and a phenomenon that is sometimes called “corn sweat.” The latter happens when corn, soybeans and other crops release moisture as the temperature climbs. This process, known technically as evapotranspiration, is akin to how humans perspire in the heat. Steamy contributions from those crops mean “we can see some of our higher moisture values of the year at this time of year,” Taylor says.”

    I can’t believe “corn sweat” would contribute all that much.

  3. Fuck I hate corn sweat. Never felt as humid and gross as much as I did when stopping for the night in Iowa. Doesn’t even come close to the humidity in Florida.

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