Omsk (the refinery hit today) is a critical junction for oil being sent to China on the trans-Siberian pipeline. If they shut the pipelines at Omsk and Tomsk, the pipeline going to China is completely cut off from Western Siberia and all oil fields except the one in far Eastern Siberia.

Omsk is a critical juncture for oil being sent to China on the trans-siberian pipeline. If they shut the pipelines at Omsk and Tomsk, the pipeline going to China is completely cut off from Western Siberia and all oil fields except the one in far Eastern Siberia.

This means the only way China gets that oil is by train and if you have been following that it's been having some issues lately. Source:

by Hotrico

  1. And David reached into his bag and removed a stone. He placed it in his sling shot and stuck the giant philistine in the head and he fell to the ground dead

  2. Assuming they did enough to shut it down, how long would it take to fix? I realize that’s a difficult question depending on the damage done and to what components, but would there be a general idea?

  3. When is the port of Kozmino going to be taken offline due to bombing?? Just a matter of time, I suppose

  4. Ukraine just need to hit the Midstream & upstream Control Panels to shut off the traffic

  5. Not an expert, but I think this post is completely misleading.

    An oil refinery is a facility that refines oil. The info we have so far is that some (small) part of the (huge) refinery at Omsk is damaged. Close a couple of valves and that (small) part of the refinery can be shut down. That means some refined product is no longer being produced in that unit.

    A pipeline, like the green lines on the map, carries crude oil from point A to B. The entire refinery complex at Omsk just takes some of that crude from the pipeline. There is no indication that the pipeline itself was hit, and no reason to shut it down if the refinery was hit.

  6. I hope for significant damage. We don’t seem to hear much about the actual damage afterward. Maybe the info doesn’t get out ? Orcs keep it secret ?

  7. Are they really trying to do what the allies did to Germany in WWII? Hunt the oil and they will run out of gas.

  8. It’s a long way away from Ukrainian missiles (open to correction on that) so hopefully we see a few saboteur hitting it.

  9. This is a fantasy text, managing the world from the globe view.

    “If they shut the pipelines, then China’s supply will be complicated”.

    Much better to sink a couple of empty tankers in the Black sea and a significant revenue source is going away. That is achievable.

    Sales to China are secondary.

  10. Pray that Ukraine will neutralize both Omsk & Tomsk pipeline. This will cribbling money coming into Zussia.

  11. That’s not how pipelines work. Think about it like the refinery is your house and the pipeline is the water line out front. The water line would still work if your house was gone.

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