Trump is in a no-win situation here!

Trump is in a no-win situation here!

Posted by Reciter5613

  1. He shouldn’t even run for president if he’s not able to attend a single debate.

  2. The debate is a pointless vanity project for Trump. There’s **NOT ONE THING** that he can say that will make his base think, “you know what, I might change my vote”. Before, he knew he was debating an octogenarian who meticulously chooses his words and thus appears “slow”, all he had to do was blurt out anything as quickly as he could and he would seem spry by comparison.  

    Debating someone nearly 20 years younger that actually has experience and will meticulously prepare does nothing for his campaign and does nothing to sway his supporters. Therefore it’s pointless for his campaign 

  3. I’m loving the Harris play of saying “leave the mics on”.

    She’s ready to go toe to toe with him and call “bullshit” to his every lie.

    He is just an aging rock band playing his old hits now, he’s not ready to learn any new riffs on the fly in a heated debate.

  4. His base will just counter with some crude remarks about Vice President Harris and how 45 does not need to debate her. In their eyes 45 can do no wrong. To them 45 is a strong man and embodies all the traits they want in a leader.

  5. Option C is attend debate, manage to not soil your diaper, then have the media all declare victory for you because you seemed so much more reasonable than expected.

  6. We’ve got a betting pool going on whether he’ll use the word he wants to so, so badly and at what time during the debate. I’m betting yes, between 40-50 minutes. We have a smaller pool going based on him saying it out loud or muttering it under his breath. I’m betting he’ll mutter it after the third or fourth time she has to say “I’m Speaking.”

  7. Not a psychologist, but wouldn’t his apparent underlying narcissism prevent him believing he wasn’t a coward, but rather something else along the lines of a masterdebater ?

  8. At this point nothing he does or does not do will affect his die-hard base.  Need to just vote like it’s the last election on earth

  9. Just debate! Shouldn’t even be a question. Go, answer your questions, listen to your opponent when it’s their turn. God, why is Trump such an insufferable child every time.

  10. I don’t think he has any other real options but to show up, but he’s going to behave like an absolute lunatic.

  11. Trump has no problem being a coward, because he has been a one his whole life. Plus, his base loves it, rather than debating the great Satan Kamila.

  12. First button should be “Go to debate and destroy yourself.”

    Don John is his own worst enemy these days when he’s in front of a mic.

  13. But he calls for near daily ‘press conferences’. Someone should tell him that calling press conferences to ramble incoherently is not a legitimate strategy.

    Little wierd old man covered in orange makeup wants to feel important.

  14. I was frankly amazed that Harris’ team wanted a hot mike, I thought Trump wanted the hot mike so that they could keep interrupting.

  15. That type of delirium happens every time before a debate (Hillary , Biden). Trump disappears to arrive fully rested and prepped in his own way: come the hour come the Donald : he lies through his teeth and suddenly a large number of commentators state he won the debate.

    Lowering expectations plays to his hand.

    Why can’t we focus on the themes he is going to lie about: the economy, border security, foreign relations , veterans and the army, pretending crypto is good for the average Joe , education, climate change and pollution, healthcare… And prep the opinion so that Kamala can deliver the right sound bites. It’s not like Kamala is a v. good debater.

  16. Why would he though? All he has to do is skip it, then immediately say he DID debate and won, but abc wouldn’t show it because (whatever). People still supporting him now will believe anything.

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