Trump tries to connect Harris to the chaotic Afghanistan War withdrawal on anniversary of attack. TRUMP is the one who signed the withdrawal treaty. STOP trying to blame the Democrats for your f*ck up, Donny

Trump tries to connect Harris to the chaotic Afghanistan War withdrawal on anniversary of attack. TRUMP is the one who signed the withdrawal treaty. STOP trying to blame the Democrats for your f*ck up, Donny

Posted by landofar

  1. And trump’s advisors had to stop trump from following through with his insane idea to invite the Taliban to Camp David to discuss the disastrous long withdrawal date that would not fall on trump’s presidency.

  2. He also forbid the federal government from participating in the transition to the new Biden Admin, costing them 2 1/2 months of proper planning. Down to sending all white house staff home on inauguration day.

  3. Of all the things convicted felon has done, accepting responsibility for him many failures is not one of them.

  4. You people cannot be this dumb. Trump laid out the framework for withdrawal that included conditions for the Taliban. The Taliban had not complied with Trump’s terms.

    What other polices did Biden / Harris keep in place after they were elected?

    This is all on Biden / Harris.

    >**Vice President Kamala Harris confirmed Sunday that she was the last person in the room before President Joe Biden made the decision to pull all U.S. troops out of Afghanistan.**

    >In an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash on “State of the Union,” Harris was asked about being the last person in the room regarding major decisions, something that Biden has said is important to him in his working relationship with the vice president. Harris confirmed that was the case regarding the move to pull U.S. troops out of Afghanistan by Sept. 11.

    >“Harris said that Biden “is acutely aware that it may not be politically popular, or advantageous for him personally; it’s really something to see.”

    >“I have seen him over and over again make decisions based exactly on what he believes is right,” she noted.



  5. >Feb. 19 — **Biden reiterates his campaign promise to bring U.S. troops home from Afghanistan,** saying during remarks at the Munich Security Conference, “My administration strongly supports the diplomatic process that’s underway and to bring an end to this war that is closing out 20 years. We remain committed to ensuring that Afghanistan never again provides a base for terrorist attacks against the United States and our partners and our interests.”


  6. We would have lost tens of thousands of mor lives and hundreds of millions in enabled equipment if Trump had been in the white house.

  7. I’m surprised he hasn’t blamed her for the War of 1812 or the Missouri Compromise yet.

  8. “Anyone that will lie to you about Joe Biden’s policies will lie to you about anything!” – former President Donald Trump, August 2024

  9. At this point, Trump is just hoping to keep the dwindling number of supporters he has. I wouldn’t be surprised if he tries bither-ing Tim Walz. 

  10. Why tf is he even allowed to “honor” those service members. He’s not currently president. This is clearly a PR stunt. I will ask though what are Harris and Biden doing? I saw Harris made a statement but I haven’t seen (or been able to find) anything about any memorials they’re attending. Tbh that is a bad look. (Won’t sway my vote though).

  11. In fairness, it was the first time a Trump-brokered deal was actually honored, so…

  12. It wasn’t a fuck-up. It was a poison pill. Just like his “tax relief for the middle class”. Timed such that he got credit while his successor had to deal with the ugly reality afterwards.

  13. No trump did not sign a withdrawal that said to withdraw like amateurs. Sorry Biden and Harris get the L on this bullshit

  14. They broke the treaty and our current admin did nothing about it. We abandoned our strategic position in the middle of the night. It’s like they were intentionally self sabotaged us with how badly they pulled that one off.

  15. It’s not the withdrawal, it’s the chaos, and subsequent deaths of 13 U.S. soldiers, that Biden and Harris are responsible for. Had Trump overseen the withdrawal it would have been far better organized, and those soldiers would still be alive.

  16. always makes a point of blaming them for this exit. !!! you know it was him he said he negotiated with the Taliban..:. !

    And then blames them BIDEN for the gas prices after he unwillingly left office negotiated w OPEC to raise the prices.

  17. He didn’t fuck up. All of this was intentionally and unapologetically done in the past, to create present situations that he can malfease into any story against his enemies, foreign and domestic,  and placate his allies, foreign and domestic. 

  18. Paint next administration into a corner after loss so he can use it against them. Regardless of consequences or who gets hurt

  19. ISIS killed those soldiers, don’t let them off the hook by blaming politicians.

  20. He released their army and their main leader. Now they have their women completely covered and they can’t sing or face punishment. Trump kicked the war on women to 100

  21. It wasn’t a fuck up. He intentionally did it right before the end of his term and had/left zero plans for executing it. He just set a date shortly into Biden’s term. It was a purposeful cluster fuck to take revenge on Biden at the cost of American/Afghani lives.

  22. It wasn’t a screwup it was intentional, he had seeded the government with a lot of poison pills and pitfalls that he could point the finger at later, he was not smart enough to think of it himself so most likely one of his idiot savants.

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