At least 100 people killed in central Burkina Faso in latest jihadi attack

At least 100 people killed in central Burkina Faso in latest jihadi attack

Posted by polymute

  1. So kicking France out and inviting Wagner in… maybe not working out so well? Oh well, at least the coup leaders will make money selling gold and other resources to Russia, at least for a while.

  2. The coup leaders more focused on France than terrorists, I understand France has done terrible acts, those acts aren’t happening now though. terrorists killing your civilians is the problem ☠️☠️

  3. Russia is in a great situation.

    They can prop up the dictatorship and steal resources for as long as possible. When Burkina Faso collapses there will be a huge migrant wave that causes further destabilization in Africa with millions likely ending up in Europe.

  4. Anything to spite “the west”. I really hope people in the countries that have provided aid to the developing world only to be told to fuck off by those they help because of our “imperialism” (in 2024, ridiculous) start treating these places with the frivolity they assumed of us from the jump. Can’t say I’d hold it against anyone in France who holds the opinion of “cease all aid immediately if they want to get violent and kick us out when trying to help them”. Nations guilty of atrocities in the past can (and often do, but annual allotments ranging from tens to hundreds of millions in aid doesn’t make headlines) own up to the past imperialism, murder, etc former empires and governments have caused… but ask for that same energy to be retired and suddenly there’s a problem acknowledging that people in the developing world do actually have varying levels of agency in their own situation and often choose, vote, or coup their way into a less than ideal way of running things.

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