Putin’s approval rating (Levada)

Putin’s approval rating (Levada)


by ajahiljaasillalla

  1. We’re staying silent after the laws forced two years ago or so, you can kill someone and get fewer years in prison than a peaceful protester. Trust me, the fukwit is very unpopular among the 30 yo and around in big cities. But that’s a military dictatorship for you. And I don’t like that Soviet style propaganda on Reddit, it’s been pretty weird for a while. Like a house of mirrors, I’ve seen that but in an opposite way

  2. Well if he wants to reach 100% he just needs a third chechen war, what is he waiting for?

  3. Approval rating in a country that says how is your boss doing as someone stands behind you with a gun pointed at your head hmmmmm

  4. This goes to show that this is not Putin’s war but Ethnic Russians war. Russians love and support aggression and expansionism. These statistics demonstration shows that when Putin (or even possibly another leader) needs more support has to engage in an expansionist war to bring support numbers up.

    Russia as a federation is a threat to global stability and should be broken into smaller Republics for the world’s well being and also would release russian Asian Republics and Oblasts from the tyranny and opression from Federal rule of ethnic russians of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

  5. The truth is that approval in autocratic system is impossible to measure considering that one could face repercussions if they answered the question ‘incorrectly’.

  6. Remember, however, that responses to statistics are gathered from people who choose to respond to the question, as opposed to just walk away. Levada is not a governmental agency, people are free to not respond and refuse to talk.

    How many people would dare responding that they hate Putin and don’t want the war? Some will, if they think it important to be heard, but not too many, this is outright dangerous. So pro-people will provide a response and against-people will not, and as a result we get many more pro-responses, and lo, the rating goes up.

    One may ask, why do we then see approval rating going down at all at any point? wouldn’t it always be hundred percent approval or close to that under this logic?
    IMHO, much depends on whether there are any loud criminal cases for treason at present (currently there are several). If yes, all of a sudden people get careful about what they are saying, and the approval rating goes up.

  7. Oh yeah man, Russians loooove this shit. I have relatives and Russia and they already got kind of wonky after Crimea annexation, but after full scale invasion holy shit. They just went full nazi and openly declared that entire Ukrainian branch of our family needs to be steamrolled with tanks. I just don’t get it. We speak the same language but when I read what they’re saying it like they’re from another planet. 

  8. Wait till approval ratings hit 146%

    Are you guys seriously taking any “official numbers” published in Russia? Support of Putin / elections et.c

  9. “Lift the sanctions, because they hurt ordinary russians” Kara-Murza 2024 Edition.

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