America 16O years ago would not have been so forgiving of these people

It’s getting harder to pretend like these people are my “fellow Americans”

Posted by CocaineSmellsFunny

  1. Yeah, it’s definitely a different age. But also, many of these nut jobs are LITERALLY in a cult of their own making. Hopefully, once the orange fűhrer is no longer a daily news item, his hold on them will weaken, and they can rejoin society, or crawl back under the rock from which they came, whichever the case may be.

  2. Any party that receives near unanimous support from white supremacists’ and nazis should never hold office.

  3. When random MAGA folks think there are post term abortions and democrats eat babies while they preach the benefits of marrying 13 year olds and support Russia, claim they are patriots while thinking they have more rights than any minority American and just add to the list. It goes on and on and it’s all hate and I just can’t stand any of them anymore. The self righteous and ignorance is just too much.

  4. It is so hard to go to work and see how many of the people as well as supervisors are Trumpers. I have lost rwspect forn80% of my company.

  5. Just found out my drug dealer is gonna vote for trump. I’m seriously disappointed. He said it’s because of the economy.

  6. John Bolton wrote in his book that trump is incapable of telling the difference between reality and fiction. And he’s infected the rest of his supporters with this disease.

  7. I think they’d be like, “who is this guy? why is he orange? what is he wearing? why are his hands so small? He smells. Ok back to slavery and murdering natives!”

  8. America 160 years ago would have unanimously ousted Trump as a leftwing radical. Not sure what you mean by that unless you’re advocating for a civil war because you don’t like the opposition.

  9. There were plenty of people 160 years ago that believed the best government was a king. Also plenty of people that didn’t really care one way or another

  10. Yes, do you wonder what happened to the D students from high school? The people who still work entry level jobs you left 20 years ago? All the people you knew through life who had no clue but you’d moved on from.

    They are MAGA, and they HATE America.

  11. Being in Canada and having to deal with Trump supporters is another level of insane! Like these guys think he will be helping them somehow….

  12. I’m glad I’m not the only one that thought this. It’s sad to think about my fellow countrymen like this but they are willfully ignorant at this stage of the game.

  13. I’ve said that for years now.

    Trump is a traitor and so is every American still supporting him.

  14. They’re either telling the joke or laughing at the joke. It’s the same joke either way.

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