It Appears Melania Trump Is Embroiled in Another Scandal Where She’s Copied Someone Else’s Work

It Appears Melania Trump Is Embroiled in Another Scandal Where She’s Copied Someone Else’s Work

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. Who care what’s she’s up to! She’s not the one that’s running. The dei hire on the hand can’t even come up with her policies she has to steal some of Trump’s.

  2. Like. I hate that entire family. But that article is dumb as fuck too. Like maybe, talk to a designer before writing your article.

    It’s a white Futura styles geometric sans serif on a black ground – it’s not something Chanel invented or holds a patent on – and if you compare the letters it’s not the same typography, probably because Chanel had theirs custom made. Most likely. And Melania most likely just used a Futura like font. And finally, making references is not faux pas in graphic design.

    Source: Graphic designer for 25 years.

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