Dark Oxygen Is Changing the Calculus of Extraterrestrial Life

Dark Oxygen Is Changing the Calculus of Extraterrestrial Life


by AlexFromOgish

  1. Bear with me now…. the article is emphasizing possible oxygen-dependent life off planet, and in places of low sunlight. But I’m posting here because the so-called “dark oxygen” is thought to be a product of geochemistry involving metal nodules on Earth’s deep ocean floor. Read that again….. oxygen in our deep ocean might be a result of geochemistry involving nodules on the deep ocean floor. In case you haven’t connected the dots yet, these are the same metal nodules mega-corporations are eager to suck up in sea floor mining operations. If the nodules are removed….. seems like the oxygen they contribute to the deep ocean will also be removed, and….well, won’t that nudge the oceans toward an anoxic condition? Anoxic oceans belch toxic hydrogen sulfide clouds….. but hey we can’t be bothered with *understanding* the ecology down there! Out of sight out of mind! Let the deep seafloor mining begin! /s

  2. Reminds me of the Star Trek episode on a mining planet where they find round orbs that turned out to be the eggs of a silicon-based life form they call the Horta.

    The miners started destroying the nodules, and soon after, they were being attacked by the mother.

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