Russian Shahed drone spent over half an hour in Polish skies before ”disappearing from radar” – Polish media outlet

Russian Shahed drone spent over half an hour in Polish skies before ”disappearing from radar” – Polish media outlet

by Orcasystems99

  1. An unidentified aerial object that flew into Poland from Ukraine on Monday morning and remained in the country’s airspace for at least 33 minutes was most likely a Russian Shahed drone. The object disappeared from the radar at around 07:16 above the Tyszowce gmina. A search area has been established there.

    **Source:** European Pravda citing Polish news agency [RMF FM](,nId,7764209#crp_state=1)

    **Details:** It is reported that Poland has not yet officially announced what type of aerial object flew into its territory on Monday morning as Russia was carrying out a massive missile attack on Ukraine. According to RMF FM, however, the military are unofficially claiming that it was most likely a Russian Shahed kamikaze drone.


    * The Polish army reported a [violation of Poland’s airspace]( during Russia’s missile and drone attack against Ukraine on the morning of 26 August.
    * Maciej Klisz, Commander of the Operational Command of the Polish Armed Forces, said the aerial object that flew in from Ukraine was not shot down [because of atmospheric conditions](

  2. So let me get this straight: A moped can enter NATO airspace and remain unmolested?

  3. Guess that whole Poland will shoot down Russian drones if they get close to Poland thing was a lie.

  4. How weak the west looks to Putin, no wonder he is so aggressive. Hopefully that’s the plan, but until we know for sure, it just looks weak.

  5. Yes, this is dumb, but no it’s not new.

    Russia does this sort of thing pretty routinely, even ‘buzzing’ NATO naval forces with manned military jets in international waters. They also test the perimeter around Alaska and western Europe.

    Here is a series of passes caught on camera in the Baltic Sea, though as I mentioned this is hardly a unique event: [](

    The particularly brazen ones sometimes make it into the “public” news sphere but afaik none are secret (they just aren’t always talked about in general terms).

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