SNP will lose Scottish election without complete rethink, say senior party figures

SNP will lose Scottish election without complete rethink, say senior party figures

by GeoWa

  1. The SNP have now been the dominant power at Holyrood for nearly 15 years. Almost every achievement of note comes from the first five, before independence was really that viable a prospect, despite the fact that was when they were, at least theoretically, at their political weakest.

    The unfortunate truth is that it isn’t 2007 anymore, there are now loads more devolved authorities across the UK, and if you start comparing records, the SNP’s is meh but nothing special compared to Khan in London and Burnham in Manchester.

    It is no longer self evident that the SNP are better than the alternative. They need to work on demonstrating that, rather than constantly asserting it.

  2. The problem with the SNP is that I think the vast majority of Scots aren’t actually pro independence despite what r/Scotland may have led you to believe.

    I think people were enamoured by the idea of independence as a protest vote or as a way of escaping the seeming neverending Tory leadership.

    There’s only so long you can rely on “at least we aren’t the Tories” and “it can be worse than it is now” before people start scrutinizing.

    Also now the Tories are no longer in power the SNP can’t even use that argument.

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