Tim Walz is a liar!

Tim Walz is a liar!

Posted by narsfweasels

  1. Tim Walz’s daughter once said:

    “I’m thirsty!”

    To which he CRUELLY responded:

    “Hi thirsty, I’m dad!”

  2. So funny to me that the worst they could come up was “He retired after he served 24yrs” “He was a voluntary assistant coach” “His online recipes aren’t good” “He doesn’t own & trade stocks like other politicians”

    It’s like they are campaigning for him.

  3. I once asked Tim Walz if he had a tack hammer I could borrow and he said yes. It was an utter fabrication! Five minutes later he turned up in my garage with coffee and a plate of cookies but he handed me a godsdamned trim hammer!

  4. He called his dog a “good boy” without getting any sort of documentation from a licensed professional. That’s socialism.

  5. Tim Walz caught a baseball and gave it to the kid next to him instead of returning it to the outfield. Thief!

  6. Ah, this is just a cultural miscommunication. See, if you ask us how we’re doing in the Midwest, it’s always good. Even if we got into a car accident that morning and just feel like dog shit in general.

    See an honest answer would lead us to burden you with some bullshit, and then we’d have to apologize for that. That’s just a huge mess because it’s already going to take us 10 minutes to leave after we slap our knees and say *welp*.
    And actually I’m sorry it took too long to explain that.

  7. Did you know that he once told a child that they were being “very brave” when in fact the kid was only getting a routine injection and not charging into battle!!

  8. In fairness, people are still saying JD Vance fucks couches. Then again, we haven’t gotten proof that JD doesn’t fuck couches…

  9. Said “Sure” to the waitress when asked if Pepsi was ok because they didn’t have Coca Cola

  10. I swear to God I once saw him remove his thumb. He placed one hand over the other and, BOOM, thumb popped right off!

    Probably some socialist medical procedure

  11. Ask republicans to please explain in their own words why we cannot have liars in the white-house. 😐

  12. That’s it. Final straw. Bet he’s the kind of guy to stub his toe and say he’s okay.

  13. Known to all as the “Prince of Lies” but our fact-checkers have definitively proven Walz has no royal blood. Yet another lie!

  14. Tim Waltz into the whitehouse. It works too well, have we seen his birth certificate to confirm that is actually his name?

  15. Said: “Ooh let me squeeze right by ya there!” When he, in fact, had plenty of room and had to do no such squeezing by.

  16. I hear that once he slapped his knees and said, “Welp, it’s about that time,” over an hour before it was that time.

  17. One time, when his daughter was two and wouldn’t eat her peas, he was like “neeeeow! Here comes the airplane!”

    *And it was actually a forkful of peas.*

  18. The best is Trump saying assistant coach. Which shows how out of touch this guy is with normal people

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