Russia launches ‘massive’ overnight assault in Ukraine

Russia launches ‘massive’ overnight assault in Ukraine

Russia launched a “massive” missile and drone attack aimed at energy infrastructure across Ukraine overnight, Ukrainian officials said, killing at least four people and causing power outages in several cities. #CNN #News

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  1. Oh no I thought Ukraine was winning this whole time what about those f-16s? Well aren't they deep into Russia like can't they just get Vladimir Putin in Moscow😂

  2. What happened is that the script writer that you guys are all following hes an idiot … Yes your narrative sucks … Remember the 2 NATO armies that was supposed to make the Russians scared and give up? Remember those propaganda videos you guys made about them well they're all deceased and so will these guys

  3. It only makes sense if the land they taken have resources, Ukraine missed a major opportunity by not committing some type of military operation to free Russian opposition leader Mr. Navalny rip who could have mobilized the Russian population against Putin like no other

  4. The war would be over in the first two months but USA and UK are decided to continue in lomg time they don't care about Ukraine only they want to weakness russia power

  5. Obviously Zelensky's master plan works. He went inside Russia territory to create a "buffer zone", according to him. Now Russia is telling Zelensky that he needs to make the entire Ukraine a buffer zone to stop Russia's wrath !

  6. Same story – Russia always bombs civilians and Ukraine always bombs Military installations – We already know that – because all Western media are in tune with that. Please find another new thing that you guys can sing together – we are bored with the same lyric.

  7. ❌If you paid really close attention to both the Ukrainian Conflict and the Israeli Conflict over these many months since its beginnings, you would have noticed many similarities that you simply could NOT dismiss as just being coincidental?? Which in my opinion, means that it is all being "Scripted" not by these two countries but rather by the Deep State / Shadow Gov’t., Globalists & others!! For instance, the Unofficial President of Ukraine, Volodomyr Zelensky, had appeared before Congress to plead his case, beg the U.S. & NATO Countries for Weapons, Ammunition, Military Gear, Military Armored Vehicles, and Billions of U.S. Dollars to help pay for Ukraine’s Administration Cost, Employee & Military Salaries & Benefits, and lord knows what else? Similarly, Israel’s PM Benjamin Netenyahu recently had gone before Congress this past July to also plead Israel’s case before Congress and to ask the U.S. Government for Military Assistance, Weapons & Ammunition, and Financial Funding for their Conflict! NOT surprisingly both these countries got what they begged for?? Another similarity that comes to mind is when Volodomyr Zelensky kept on repeating the same mantra over & over (as did U.S. & several NATO countries) that, “if Ukraine were allowed to lose this conflict, then other NATO countries would be next in line”?? And very similarly, Israel PM Benjamin Netenyahu has also been reiterating a similar mantra by saying that “If Israel does not Win, You’re next!!”?? And lastly, when both Ukraine & Israel seems like they may be losing the battle, instead of seeking avenues for a Negotiation & a Peaceful Settlement, they have been intentionally escalating the conflict further by taking aggressive and/or desperate actions which I believe is all meant to PROVOKE a massive response from their enemies which would then give the U.S. & NATO a lackluster & poor excuse to get directly involved in the conflict? Meaning, U.S. Troops, Ships, Aircraft & Submarines entering the battle which would not only lead to a wider conflict but also a World Nuclear Conflict? So you see, ALL these similarities CANNOT be brushed off as coincidence? The same "Script" is being used in both conflicts!! And I’m sure that if there were a Taiwan or a South Korean Conflict as well, the very same "Script" would also be used!! Someone else is and has been Planning & Calling the Shots!! And I’m quite certain by now that most People around the World can figure out exactly who are the ones that is actually Planning & Calling the Shots!!!

  8. But People in our America do not REALIIZE why he Calls her "Kamala" Instead of

    Kamala. It is a DOG whistle to BED-Her. "Cama" means "BED". A Mattress,

    and Camala means to bed her. Trump wants to Bed her, so he dog whistles "KAMALA."

  9. Today, has been 915 days of the conflict. The U.S. is just using Ukraine against Russia. Many Americans have heard the story too long. As long they keep supporting this country, the conflict will continue to remain the same.

  10. Уважаемые партнёры Украины по коалиции Рамштайн – скажите, пожалуйста, как вам спится ночами?! Чудовищный обстрел Украины 200 ракетами и дронами Раши, приведший к жертвам и разрушениям энергоинфраструктуры в Украине – стал возможен "благодаря" вашей бездеятельности и заботе о том, чтобы путин не пострадал. Почему до сих пор функционируют аэродромы и ракетоносители Раши, откуда производился запуск этих ракет и дронов по Украине?! Вы знаете ответ? Потому что ВЫ ПОЗВОЛЯЕТЕ путину делать то, что он делает – массово и безнаказанно заниматься терроризмом 24/7. Вы по-прежнему окольными путями снабжаете его необходимой электроникой и также деньгами, которые он получает от торговли с вами. Одной рукой вы помогаете Украине защищать себя и вас – а другой рукой ваши неработающие бесконтрольные санкции помогают путину и его "коллегам" по оси зла – КНДР и Ирану – дальше клепать и наращивать выпуск оружия и использовать его против Украины. Всякое царство, разделившееся само в себе – не устоит. Так и Западная цивилизация, которая не выполняет и не соблюдает собственные законы, например о праве жертвы агрессии на самооборону, в том числе и на территории агрессора – это говорит о вашей слабости и нежизнеспособности. Вы же увидели, что Курская операция ВСУ ярко показала, что все "красные линии" и угрозы России рухнули, что это просто пропагандистский блеф. Раша воюет максимально в полную силу, потому что Запад ей позволяет. Тогда почему жертве агрессии – героической Украине – вы отказываете в праве защищаться в полную силу?! Как вам не стыдно, когда Украина, истекая кровью, защищает в том числе и вашу репутацию в мире и демократию! США, Британия, Франция – развяжите Украине руки и позвольте ей защищать себя вашим, но юридически её оружием – в полной мере без ограничений. Оружие Германии тоже очень могло бы пригодиться в этом, если вы разрешите канцлеру Шольцу дать Украине Таурусы. Позвольте вашим приграничным с Украиной системам ПВО и ПРО сбивать путинские ракеты над западной и центральной частями Украины. И наконец, закройте небо над Украиной необходимым количеством ПВО и ПРО. Все эти меры юридически полностью вписываются в права жертвы агрессии, которые вы сами прописали в уставных документах ООН. И ещё – в оставшиеся месяцы президентства г-на Байдена он мог бы войти в историю, как тот, кто уничтожил террориста номер один – путина. Но войдёт в историю, как тот, кто постоянно спасает ему жизнь и сохраняет его власть. Это позор для Америки. Но ещё не поздно всё изменить. Нужно только дать Украине всё для победы в этой войне. Это абсолютно справедливо 🙏🤷

  11. So Ukraine attacks Russia and Russia responds? Offense and defense isn't they common sense? Someone attacks you you have the right to defend yourself. You boys are always up to shenanigans. Ever consider the planet? What did Gaia do to you? You attack Gaia she can buck you into the ocean. Wasn't make the kingdom look good a COMMAND? Just sayin'. The biblical asps acting up again? There's a comet coming for that. Bye Felicia!!!! Mad Dog Mattis made me do it. Have an amazing comet everyone!!!! Many anointings and consecrations. Go team Big G!!!! You guys have missiles and nukes God has comets earthquakes lightning and floods. Vladimir Putin never lied just FYI he said I have a doppelganger. You need Jason Statham. Thank you CNN CIA HQ!!!! Stay safe stay awesome stay amazing!!!!

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