What’s going on here – are his shins growing ?

What’s going on here – are his shins growing ?

Posted by OutrageousDiscount31

  1. Those pants are for days when he is wearing his high-lifts and he wore them by mistake.

  2. Dem Bone Spurs

    “Ow, owie, my bone spurs are back, I can’t debate Harris!! OW owie!!”

  3. It’s his weird posture. He can’t even sit normally. Can you imagine how far that’s riding up his diaper, jamming it into his butt crack.

  4. It’s because he has fat legs which need to drape at the top of the shoe when standing up straight and not bag at at the feet. Problem is when you sit down, the fabric compensates and this happens. I’ve got a fat ass, I know.

  5. Did he took a fashion tip from De Santis? Those heels are straight into drag territory

  6. Deep chair. Deep deep chair, There’s a 6 foot drop behind that back and seat cushion. JD’s watching this just livid and green with envy, “Holy smokes I wish that chair was eating my dang pants. . .how hungry are you little hungry hungry hippo? You dirty little hungry hippo chair. . .”

  7. He’s dressed like the clown that he is. Let The Great Trumpliucci entertain as he was born to do.

  8. Shin pads, shoulder pads, brownish-orange face paint, impossible hair, when will it end?

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