The one thing all Yuropeans will agree on

The one thing all Yuropeans will agree on

by Available-Shelter-89

  1. Except for all the times austrians and germans begged me for ‘Trinkgeld’ when I’m paying my bill….

  2. Going to a restaurant in Am*rica and asking them to remove the service charge

    (and then asking them to remove the rest because the food was terrible)


  3. Hey. Not paying your staff and expecting your customers to do it for you is freedom, baby. The European mind cannot comprehend

    Same as school shootings and going bankrupt over a hip replacement. Freedom.

  4. If America is so rich why don’t they just increase the restaurant prices by 25% so no one has to beg customers for money. Are they stupid? (rhetorical question)

  5. It’s wild how waiters get pissed at people not giving them extra money but not the employers paying them below minimum wage

  6. It’s wild how waiters get pissed at people not giving them extra money but not the employers paying them below minimum wage

  7. It’s wild how waiters get pissed at people not giving them extra money but not the employers paying them below minimum wage

  8. A lot of restaurants already have tip included in the final bill though.

    So i wouldn’t be bragging about this…

  9. What really bothers me are the amount of places where they started begging.

    – Your Mechanic has a tip jar

    – the barbershop

    – the fastfood places

    – grocery stores

    And so on…

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