Russian shelling has triggered millions of tons of asbestos to be released, forming heaps of contaminated rubble – a cause for concern given that an estimated 70% of Ukrainian buildings contain asbestos.

Russian shelling has triggered millions of tons of asbestos to be released, forming heaps of contaminated rubble – a cause for concern given that an estimated 70% of Ukrainian buildings contain asbestos.

by SmokeSinseLoud

  1. I’ve thought about that with all the many videos we’ve seen where some of those corrugated roofing tiles which are most likely 70-80% pure asbestos. Then there’s the insulation on pipes..

    I’m inclined to think that it should be treated like radio active waste. It’s almost as dangerous, too..

  2. The environmental consequences that this war is bringing to Ukrainian territory, I am sorry to say, are irreversible. I have often read articles talking about the fact that the fields will be permanently contaminated with heavy metals and will now be completely barren. Not to mention ‘asbestos, which by me in Italy for example has killed hundreds and hundreds of workers and families. In short, billions will be needed to reclaim everything. And maybe they will not even be enough

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