Reporters live from the oil depot in Proletarsk, Rostov region (find English translation of their dialog in comments)

Reporters live from the oil depot in Proletarsk, Rostov region (find English translation of their dialog in comments)

by Igor0976

  1. **The conversation translated from Russian to English:**

    * This is what’s left…
    * What the fuck are you doing, a half-blogger, suka (bitch).
    * For history, Pasha, for history.
    * Stuck this history into a pussy (v pizdu). I’d fuck this kind of history in a mouth.
    * Don’t curse, Pasha, don’t curse, it’s a museum.
    * A museum? “Field of Miracles”?
    * Yes. This is what’s left. It took ’em 15 years to build it, and it was all gone within a week.
    * Will you show it to the kids?
    * Yesss…

  2. At least a little bit of it is still burning. Is it worth it to send more drones to light it up again?

  3. I love that it’s still burning. I hope it catches again and finishes anything remaining. If there is anything left to burn.

  4. Not much left and that’s a good thing. How much do you think it would cost to replace and how much oil product was lost? Could be millions and millions I reckon, perhaps 100M. Putin is playing with fire and he got burnt.

  5. I like how the Russians have painted this oil depot black to make it harder for drones to spot in the dark. Great camouflage ! And they’ve even got smoke machines on some of the tanks to create cover and prevent daytime attacks. This much be one of the most secure facilities. I hope all their oil storage is as safe as this!

  6. Putting smoke machines on stationary targets has got to be one of the dumber ideas in history.

  7. Putting smoke machines on stationary targets has got to be one of the dumber ideas in history.

  8. Serious question: How many more of these does Russia have? As in, how much of a dent does this make? Maybe we need a covert cabal video counting oil depots on satellite images.

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