If he’s so confident, why is he backing out of the debate?

If he’s so confident, why is he backing out of the debate?

Posted by MyCocteauValentine

  1. She moved on him like a bitch. Grabbed him by the cloaca. And because he’s a bitch, he lets her do it.

  2. If he doesn’t show up, everyone will know that even little Donny knows he’s no match for the lady.

    If he shows up, he will demonstrate it.

  3. Wasn’t he just howling about how stupid, unqualified, and low-IQ she is?

    So he’s admitting he’s afraid of debating a stupid, unqualified, and low-IQ individual.

  4. I’m with Trump on this one. I hate Trump (look at my post history) but keeping with the original rules it was muted mics

  5. But she refused by not accepting it’s existence to do my totally real and not made up debate at fox on Sept 4th and since my fictional debate is before the already well established debate it is she who is the chicken! – donald trump’s reasoning.

  6. He KNOWS he’s not on the same cognitive playing field as her. He was more confident with Biden, but now he’s scared.

  7. And r/conservative is talking all about how Kamala is the one backing out. Say what you will about r/politics and r/politicalhumor but at least there’s always someone here to correct us. Over there they literally don’t let people outside the cult reply, and on the off-chance someone has a moment of clarity (which happened once) they get downvoted to oblivion.

    Also I have no idea what anybody on either side is talking about because I’m Australian and IDGAF.

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