How dare they make fun about the people i make fun of

How dare they make fun about the people i make fun of

by Meaglo

  1. Bullying your neighbour for centuries but having their back when it counts

    Luv me Pierre simple as

  2. Damn straight: only we Europeans secretly love each other sufficiently to talk shit about each other.

    Love you, you absolutely degenerate fellow European savages 🥰🥰🥰

  3. Out of all the 2x4u subs

    2western sub European are the most butthurt with sense no of humor besides the Britt’s and maybe Spaniard….zero understanding of satire and no ability to make fun of yourself it’s funny not even Americans

    Nah fuck that 2med worse full of Turks and crazy Islamic people thought it would have more Spaniard, french , Italians and greeks

    I enjoy 2nordic they are the most chill

  4. When a German calls Denmark the sphincter of Scandinavia: I sleep

    When an American does it:


  5. It’s like siblings.

    I harrased my sister almost constantly (and vice versa 😂) but you harass my sister and you will die a gruesome death, no questions asked.

  6. I mean, it does say “Alle Menschen werden Brüder”.

    And you will eat two fists full of shit if you go after my brother.

  7. We definitely break the mould here. Will side with anyone vs the cunts next door. 😂

  8. The others make fun of the French because they think they are surrender monkeys.

    I make fun of the French because they are French.

    The former is a despicable twist of historic facts; the latter is a continental duty.

  9. That’s just the next step from waging war upon each other. Much less disruptive and costs less, too. That, and the Eurovision.

  10. Don’t touch our Pierre! First and foremost for sanitary reasons, but also because he’s our Pierre.

  11. or when americans think they know anything because they read some article. i remember an american who had weird hallucinations of being swedish because his great grandmother was half swedish. and he was telling me about how lettuce is a luxury item in Scandinavia because of high taxes and because it has to be imported.

    i just had no words.

  12. This is how brotherly love works.
    Yes we fight and we argue about the strangest things, but no one else touches our family.

  13. As it should be. My town is a shit hole, but don’t you fucking dare talk about it like that because yours is suddenly worse.

    My country sucks, the worst country in the world, but still miles better than yours.

    The French are a plague upon this world, but they are our plague dammit and no savage will talk to Pierre like that.

  14. Me: I hate the French
    Random American in Reddit: yeah they are so entitled and dumb
    Me: I will eat your insides and throw them up on your face if you dare to insult my fellow French folk

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