This sub from time to time

by Practical-Fly3967

  1. I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about! What? German Boats on the Thames?!


  2. Incomplete, there should also be a post that reads: “Peak Barry food” by some PIGS guy.

  3. The inner conflict of wanting to upvote this, because MS paint memes are always top notch and having to downvote it because it was created by a savage.

  4. Who told you, you were allowed to draw?
    What, you think this is America?

    (But I kind of like the drawing..)

  5. Daily reminder that this is by far the best sub on this godforsaken website.

    PS: Fuck all of ya’ll❤️

  6. How to 2we4u:

    >browse pics, damnthatsinteresting and shit like that

    >spot weird photo about other european content

    >post/crosspost it with low effort title

    >wait for the swarm to do its job

  7. You have a very beautiful art, mate, don’t know if good enough for the Vienna art school, but still.

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