

Posted by KittensNCheeze4Life

  1. “All I did was have a different opinion and that crazy handmaid tried to kill me. This is why I support Gilead”

  2. “It’s okay for people to have different political beliefs! Anyway, when is your master’s baby due?”

  3. I know I’m going to vote for a felon/rapist/anti-American wannabe dictator and a VP pick with the charisma of a piss covered blanket just to own the libs, but that doesn’t mean I’m a bad person.

  4. MAGA are the modern version of the “Loyalists” during the American Revolution.

    They are FINE with knuckling under King Donald and giving up our democracy.

  5. Reminds me an interaction I had with 2 tRumpers I used to attend a really big Xian college group back before I finally came true to myself, accepting that I no longer believed in any god(s).

    Saw them at Country in the Park here in Sacramento just randomly. Was hanging out with them for a bit before I saw another patron wearing MAGA gear, growled calling him a traitor, which they overheard and then proceeded to say they they voted for the treasonous pig dog asking me if we were still “cool”, at which I said “No, you’re a fucking traitor” while walking away.

    I should’ve known better as these were the same jagoffs that used to rail against the LGTBQ community on a consistent basis.

  6. This was my aunt trying to talk to me starting about five days ago. Since I wouldn’t concede that I was, in fact, not an idiot, she started insulting me and accusing me of false things and said I was dependent on everyone my entire life and that’s why I was a democrat.

    I’m a single mom without any financial assistance from the father. I work full time. I pay all my own bills.

    These people are just horrid.

  7. “And so I come full circle on this response and just want to encourage you with some substance that we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”

  8. I made the mistake yesterday of asking a conservative how they reconcile being limited government with banning reproductive care, and they just kept yelling “abortion is murder.” I cautiously backed away 🫣

  9. Really? I’m just seeing a bunch of Maga morons unfriending people on Facebook, running from debates and calling people ex-family over their disagreements.
    It seem to me they are trying to reinforce the echo chamber

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