Thousands of international students in Canada face deportation, sparking protests nationwide

Thousands of international students in Canada face deportation, sparking protests nationwide

Thousands of international students in Canada face deportation, sparking protests nationwide

Posted by Unusual-State1827

  1. >Thousands of international students in Canada face deportation, sparking protests nationwide

    If education was being used as a means to game the system for immigration purposes, then the decision is logical.

  2. Too late . I feel for the students who haven’t caused trouble. The only way I can see at least some staying is turning in every participant and organizers of every protest. Which will never happen. Next wave of students will know not to fuck with a government that’s not theirs yet. Well done Canada

  3. I did my PhD in Canada, many years ago. Funny thing is: most people around me thought I was going to remain there, but in fact I always wanted to go back home.
    Most graduate students in my department (Physics) were foreigners and most of those planned to stay afterwards. That kind of policy is stupid on so many levels – they are shooing away highly educated people who wish to give an actual contribution to society.

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