Gaza City footage shows scale of destruction caused by Israeli bombardments

Gaza City footage shows scale of destruction caused by Israeli bombardments

Footage recorded on 17 August by a UN official inside Gaza City shows whole neighbourhoods razed, with buildings reduced to piles of rubble and tangled steel. The head of the UN’s relief agency for Palestine, Philippe Lazzarini, said two-thirds of Gaza’s buildings had been damaged or destroyed. ‘Every day this war goes on, the destruction of a whole community continues,’ he said

Countries fueling Israel’s Gaza war may be complicit in war crimes, experts warn
Clearing Gaza of almost 40m tonnes of war rubble will take years, says UN

  1. It’s basically never going back to normal, right? This destruction makes it look like the surface of the moon, and no one is seriously stepping in with a Marshall Plan for Gaza. I don’t think Gazans are ever returning to this city, honestly.

  2. Pogledajte sve sruseno izrajel sta je uradio i kaze da se brani tebi daje Amerika da ubijas palestice a dodji ce vreme za naplatu i izrajelu i Amerika polako

  3. Looks like a masssive earthquake has happened.

    I want to know…Was life in Gaza so bad to do the attacks in October last year ??

    Then,basically whatever 'life was like before October last year' was it worth swapping ? For……….this ?
    Corpses and rubble…? FFS.

  4. Why did hamas do this when they knew what would happen, for everyone's sympathy that is why. Hamas caused this situation and put civilians directly in the firing line. Lovely bunch of people

  5. Qoute from Wikipedia "The paper's readership is generally on the mainstream left of British political opinion, and the term "Guardian reader" is used to imply a stereotype of a person with liberal, left-wing or "politically correct" views." and we all know that as much as the right and left bicker they always stand together against Israel and it's people.

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