Trump was a HUGE fan, apparently.

Trump was a HUGE fan, apparently.

Posted by Derock85

  1. The “Groom’s Suite” is an tasteful, elegant cell for your lastest Epstein Island acquisition.

  2. Why does Trump get his decorating sensibilities from 1970s Saudi Arabia? Everything he touches looks like something a fat middle-eastern guy would think looks good 50 years ago.

  3. Everything about Trump – his dressing, hairstyle, cultural references (Hannibal Lecter??), obsessions (TIME magazine), stink of the 80s and 90s.

    So fking OLD.

  4. Weird how he has the same tastes as putin. I have an entire folder of putins mansion pictures that leaked years ago. Its just as gaudy. His bathroom is all marble.

  5. Trump always reminds me of the guy who doesn’t know what rich people actually do or look like but keeps trying to pull it off the best he can.

    But it always ends up looking tacky

  6. Rose and Dorothy enter the room.

    Rose: *Oh! Isn’t this lovely!*

    Dorothy: *Lovely? This would make* Liberace *vomit.*

  7. To be fair this was Marjorie Post’s house before Trump. He’s actually not supposed to live there

  8. Trump is basically just a drag queen.

    He wears make up, spends hours every day on his hair and his taste in interior design can best be described as Tacky Palatial.

  9. And yet the bathroom still looks like your average Florida tract house’s bathroom/storage unit.

  10. *Mar-a-lago

    And yes, however you spell it, it’s disgusting in every way imaginable.

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