Hungary says it will provide free tickets to Brussels for migrants trying to enter the EU

Hungary says it will provide free tickets to Brussels for migrants trying to enter the EU

by MagnificentMixto

  1. This is exactly what right wingers do with homeless in the US. Free one way tickets from red states to California

  2. Time to show Hungary the door I had enough of his antics he can compete with Luka from Belarus who can suck Putin more ….

  3. Well thats a rapid way to get kicked out of any freedom of movement agreement and visa waivers. 

  4. EU badhed Hungary when they built up the fence to keepmigrants out, now the badh Hungary for accepting migrants into the EU. Western clowns

  5. I’d suggest taking away their right to vote at the EU level and remove them from Schenghen.

    The next step is to build a fence around the country, but they seem to have already done that.

  6. For those who still delude themselves into thinking Hungary will stop Europe’s migration – here you go.

  7. Hungary is a lost cause. Time to cut the tumor. It needs the EU more than EU needs hungary.

  8. Why should Hungary be fined & punished for their asylum policy? Why can a nation not make its own decisions?

  9. Orban is an idiot, no question about it. One single thing he is right about is to have very strict border control and not letting in migrants limitlessly. Sure it’s part of his rhetoric, but EU has to take this question very seriously. We cannot just open our borders. There has to be a strict migration system in place.

  10. Hungary thinks that Brussels issued the fines when it’s the EU as an entity. Brussels has nothing to do with that, it’s just a city like any other European capital.

    Furthermore, the ruiling that ordered Hungary to pay the fine was made in the European court of justice in Luxembourg, not Brussels.

  11. They should shut the border and rescind Hungary’s membership, maybe give it to Ukraine instead.

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