The Haditha Massacre Photos That the Military Didn’t Want the World to See

The Haditha Massacre Photos That the Military Didn’t Want the World to See

Posted by marl6894

1 comment
  1. >The killings came to be known as the Haditha massacre. Four Marines were charged with murder, but those charges were later dropped. General James Mattis, who went on to become Secretary of Defense, wrote a glowing letter to one of the Marines, dismissing his charges and declaring him innocent.

    And this is why when america calls out other people out for atrocities it cant really be respected at a fundamental level. The war on terror was an abomination, between this, the illegal kidnapping and torture of civilians with no due process in Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib as well America’s policy of the Hague Invasion Act just diminishes human rights and the foundation we tried to lay with the international court. At the end of the day, how you win matters as much as if you win, once you allow rot into the system it calls into the legitimacy of every action in perpetuity.

    >The photos are graphic. They show men, women, and young children in defenseless positions, many of them shot in the head at relatively close range.

    This is our legacy people.

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