Ukraine hits Russian air bases, Putin desperately scrambling

“Putin is obviously furious with his military commanders.”

Putin “smacks of desperation” as he “scrambles” for troops after Ukraine strike Moscow and Russian airbases as their Kursk incursion continues, says professor Tim Willasey-Wilsey.

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  1. As an American paying close attention to our Presidential politics I can assure you that trump is rapidly going downhill in his efforts to get elected again. To put it simply, he's toast.

  2. 9:18 What he describes here pertains to Andriy Yusov, the spokesperson for Ukraine’s military intelligence agency (GUR), who told the public broadcaster Suspilne the Malian Tuareg rebels had received “all the information they needed, which allowed [them] to carry out their operation against the Russian war criminals”. The same rebels claimed to have killed 87 Wagner mercenaries.

  3. The people support Putin because they've fed a daily diet of propaganda. There is no. reality. There is no balance. There's no public discourse about what's happening. It is all fed to them from their government. Big Brother 1984 style. If they knew the truth, there wouldn't be so much support for Putin.. The Russians can't take any more punishment, any more punishment than. the West. Remember what? the Londoners put up with during the Blitz. Don't put Russia on pedestal They are just a suppressed people being fed bullsh*t and believe it.

  4. The only viable end is Russian unconditional surrender but that then puts to burden of preventing chaos in Russia on the victor. Is that Ukraine? I can't see the west being interested unless they're also getting access to resources. How much effort is being put into the plan for peace? Probably not enough.

  5. Political leaders choosing ukraines timeline is an insult. Ukraine never willingly became part of soviet union.
    Ukrainian culture dates back 32,000 bc.
    Irregardless of political historical fiction, ukrainians will always be of ukrainian culture.
    Proof of the importance of this concept.
    The current culture wars occuring globally.
    I have respect for every nation protecting their culture.
    It does not mean your prejudice to protect your culture, it means you have self respect, and love your culture and homeland.
    No offense intended to the narrator of this video.
    Just saying.

  6. I don't agree with this analysis. Russia was able to sustain the WWII meatgrinder because of support from the West. In this case, Putin is destroying his military and cannibalizing his economy and, rather than having support from the West, he is facing sanctions. If he is ousted, it will only be because the oligarchs have had enough of this and will look be looking for a way out.

  7. Wait! Boris Johnson said something that Donald Trump said to him and somehow this is valid information to you?? This has to be satire or you are the most naiv person in the world.

  8. Please! please! help me folks? What planet is Russianphobia/Russian Racism driven psychosis
    " TIMES RADIO " Operating their sick Russianphobia misinformation from?

    How long can they get away with it?

  9. A Russian victory would possibly cause a crash in the US. American investment banks, which every IRA and pension in the US are tied into, have invested trillions in Ukrainian farmland. If Trump is made to understand this he might approach things differently. Putin’s ballwasher the last time and I hope he loses again.

  10. Putin has 2 massive issues he has to face. The first issue is the decline of the Male population within Russia.
    …meaning needing young males between 18 to 35 to help rebuild the population. All of their young youths are being sent to the front line to give their lives for a Dictator. China found out this strategy didn't work out well for them a few decades ago when they only wanted males in their society. Now they realize that without female they can't reproduce. 2nd, He won't be abe to defend his borders very soon if this conflict drags on for another year. He will be faced with a felled state of affairs for his country. Leaving himself open for other countries to claim land from Russia for their own gain and Russia won't be in any position to stop it. Russia's standing will drop to no#6 in the world standing in terms of military leadership and world affairs. Another breakdown is the nuclear warheads that Russia has in its arsenal. A power struggle will cause problems on the global market and raise tension globally again for the 2nd time in 3-decades.

  11. 10:22 "When russia eventually respond" Then russia will have to take the land back much like they have done in Ukraine, thereby making it much more costly for them. While it has been really/relatively cheap for Ukraine to take.
    russia might even change the tactics to not leveling everything by airdropped bombs and artillery before taking it back, making it easier to defend and more costly for russia!
    Until then Ukraine can use its advantage in maneuver warfare, combined arms warfare, intelligence and reaction time, and precision at range. That will make it super costly for russia, especially if they mainly use conscripts and poorly trained soldiers!
    Actually, Russia don't really have any forces that usable for that kind of war, as they lost most of their prewar forces early on, and those they got now have got trained for the WW1 style combat if not simply have learned by doing that kind of combat!

  12. This war is getting out of hand. I was supposed to be over in a week or two and it is going on for 30 months. Putin must be a royal idiot and his armies buncho keystone cops.

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