Dominos tipping: Russia redeploys 30,000 troops to Kursk Oblast amid Ukraine's incursion, Syrskyi says

Dominos tipping: Russia redeploys 30,000 troops to Kursk Oblast amid Ukraine's incursion, Syrskyi says

by Noidea_whats_goingon

  1. Sounds like generally meatwave troops with effectively no training.

    Ukraine should be able to hold Kursk until winter, with mud season in a month or so.

  2. I think it’s more like a rock rolling down a tall mountain which in time will be an avalanche, but I’m okay with the dominoes falling one by one.

  3. I heard there were secret shipments of A-10s that are currently ready to be deployed. Also, they have been training Ukrainian pilots for 12 months now. That should chew up a nice column or two.

  4. If we hit that bullseye, the rest of the dominoes should fall like a house of cards. Checkmate!

  5. When the Russians deploy to their positions with over whelming forces. The AFU will have them right where they want them. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦 🇺🇸

  6. Are the ruZians sure that 30k will be enough? I read another post moments ago saying the Ukrainian are invading/pushing further in with 60 troops and 8 APCs.

    Can 30k meatbags realistically hope to slow the advance of three-score real soldiers?

  7. Much more important:

    What level of seniority do they have?
    Just low level Cannon fodder or ‘slightly’ better trained troops?

    What equipment do they bring?
    Just one gun for two soldiers or some proper antiquated artillery?

    Are they conscripts, Rosgardia or volunteers?

    I’m here to watch the fireworks in either case

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