Fox Hosts Turn Against Jesse Watters After Gross Comment on Harris

Fox Hosts Turn Against Jesse Watters After Gross Comment on Harris

Posted by thenewrepublic

  1. >Jesse Watters made a comment about Vice President Kamala Harris so gross that all his Fox News co-hosts had to call it out.

    >If elected, Harris is “going to get paralyzed in the situation room while the generals have their way with her,” said Watters during Monday’s episode of Fox’s *The Five.*

  2. I told myself that there’s no way they could find a more mincing, impotent, closeted, smarmy excuse for a man than Tucker, but by God they cracked it

  3. Watters is a rich spoiled brat who was fired from several jobs before he somehow got this job.

  4. Watters is a real piece of work.

    Does he think that type of commentary is attractive to centrists and independents?

  5. Let this asshole just continue to contribute to the demise and decline of this corrupt campaign

  6. Faux snooze won the race to the bottom a long time ago!!! Now they’re just digging to go lower and lower. Old Rupert should have been deported at the very least, the guy is an absolute scum bum!!

  7. We need to make these obnoxious comments as public as possible. Jerk see and smaller jerks do. Trump being the leader of abusing women!

  8. Sooo, the kindergarten bullying is getting perverted. Fox at it’s finest. (Couldn’t bring myself to type “news” there)

  9. “Turn against”? Those ghouls all laughed. A gentle tsk-tsk ha ha isn’t exactly “turning against.”

  10. This man has two Teenage daughters. What an inspiration.

    Oh, and in trying to get his shots in at Harris, his statement (intended or not), puts some of the highest Ranking Military officers in the same category as a r*pe gang. What an idiot.

  11. This is a nothing burger. Fox news literally pays this piece of trash in human form to be as evil as they can legally get away with. They push the line so hard that sometimes they cross it and get a slap on the wrist.

  12. They turn on him for suggesting that she would be sexually assaulted by Generals because she’s a weak woman.

    Translation: They turn on him for suggesting that Generals would stoop so low for a woman that is clearly less attractive than Trump.

  13. I will be as generous as possible and take his word that he meant that the generals will “control her.”

    WTF is he worried about them controlling her? They’re OUR generals. Why is he speaking about them like they’re enemies she needs to put up her guard for?

  14. Not surprising. These types have binders of racism, and rape jokes. Now they feel comfortable saying them out loud.
    How anyone with wives, daughters, or women they love can look at this hot mess and condone is chilling.

  15. He should be removed off the air for that BS but he does work on the most bottom dwelling non news propaganda channel there is, so I doubt they’ll take any action, let alone appropriate action. I did enjoy reading the Smartmatic case is moving forward and they’re asking for double what Dominion did (they got $788M or so) which means Smartmatic may be the ones who bankrupt that shitshow. Carlson fired and Murdoch stepped down after dominion case, so hopefully they get taken down to bare bones. I want to see them around a poker table in a smoky basement trying to push their propaganda while eating their bagged lunches on air while a sketchy lightbulb sways over their heads.

  16. Was in right place right time w/O’Reilly & Carlson flaming out…..should be working weekends on a tiny UHF station in Arkansas.

  17. I’m not one to call for violence, but I’m going to channel my internal Ron Swanson and say he deserves a punch in the face.

  18. Just a reminder that all of these guys will be jobless assholes soon, instead of assholes with a job.

  19. First Get out and vote.

    Second o not think for one second that Fox is anything but a right wing propaganda channel.

  20. Did they really turn on him? The guy they worship talked about grabbing women by the privates without permission.

  21. It’s interesting. His mom is not a fan of her son’s antics. She asked him to cool it down.

  22. Let me know when he’s out of a job. Until then, it doesn’t matter what he said. He won’t be held accountable.

  23. Even the judge ( oh that sweet lush ) called him out on it, it’s nice that they have standards concerning decency…Ha! who am I kidding.

  24. They gave up on getting support from women. It is now a full fledged He-man woman haters club.

  25. Tucker is bad, but from what I know of Watters he seems to actually believes in what he says.

  26. Every time I see Jesse Waters I think about how he deflated a coworker’s tires so she would be forced to ask him for help. Then he divorced his then wife and ran away with the coworker he swindled into liking him. Says everything you need to know about his character.

  27. He keeps that up and he’ll be out of the job on Fox. Which I wouldn’t lose sleep over. Plenty of people pissed away their careers bending the knee to Trump.

  28. He’s so weird. Remember when he was talking about how manly and sexy donOLD t is 🤦. His own mama doesn’t even like him.

  29. I read someone describe him as the personification of what not to do according to any HR department.

  30. Has anybody ever contemplated just getting up and popping him in the nose? Like he says something like this and they just stand up, walk over, and clock him between the eyes. Then get a couple kicks in while he’s down? That’d be pretty satisfying to see on air.

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