Russia warns West it is ‘playing with fire’ | Ukraine War

Russia warns West it is ‘playing with fire’ | Ukraine War

Moscow has again warned the West not to supply Ukraine with long-range missiles that can strike deep inside Russia.

It came after Ukraine’s president said the country was developing its own long-range missiles.

Meanwhile, at least five people have died following an intense series of air attacks on Ukraine.

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  1. Zelensky, the poster boy of the US NATO Empire and champion of western "freedom and democracy"… well…. guess what folks. He's no longer president. Thats right, his presidential term constitutionally expired back in May. Panama papers billionaire Zelensky, installed martial law, called off elections and declared himself de-facto ruler of whats left of Ukraine. I say whats left because the Russians are taking town after town daily in the east and the western Ukraine has been swallowed up by Blackrock and other big money interests of the United States of corporate America. Not only he arrested the main opposition party leaders, but he's banned 11 political parties, some who held seats in the Verkhovna Rada, arrested and killed journalists, shut down several media organisations and consolidated the rest into his own private state media apparatus. Hes banned literature and Orthodox religion, allowed his SBU to set up kill lists like Mirotvorec and is rounding up untrained men to fight the Russian meat grinder. Yes thats right while Russia had elections, Zelensky called off Ukraine's elections. That is so weird. Why because with western money he and his generals are getting very very rich. He has now bought an island and his wife was spotted in France driving a Bugatti during the Olympics. So Ukraine is effectively a dictatorship. All this so the US NATO transnational security elite can move our money out of the tax bases and back into the arms of the US military industrial complex. So while everyone is getting poorer remember its over war profits.

  2. Wars aren't good, neither are those who propagate and nurture wars.
    There's always a group of people making lots of money and even more people caught up in all the propaganda. In the meantime, people are dying.

  3. Russia should not have invaded. It lit the flame the moment its soldiers crossed into Ukraine and the Ukrainians fought back. Unexpectedly so.
    Russia has had 30 months to reconsider and pull back. Instead Putler doubles down. Look at his conditions for a ceasefire. Ceding land and provincial capitals Russia does not even control. Lavrov then has the gall to claim the West is pushing boundaries.

  4. I'm part of the West.
    I never play with fire.
    To me it is utterly clear that Russia is the one that is playing with fire – big fire.
    They seem to like the game of playing with fire and candles so much, that there is not enough fire brigades in the whole world to help them.
    They cannot see the game is on themselves.

  5. The Obama/Biden Administration is praying for nuclear war to hide their crimes against Americans and humanity. They really don't want TRUMP exposing all their treason.

  6. Why is Russia warning the USA? It is laughable. The US alone could end the whole war in a few days. To much letting the bully dictate terms. Threats of nuclear use are irrelevant. It is deal with the bully or let the bully dictate your life and prosperity, deal with it or don’t. Nuclear threats are meaningless. Russia can choose to use them or not, irrelevant. Russia would always massively be worse off after.

  7. Anyone not expecting such reaction after the Ukrainian incursion into Kursk? This war is constantly a retaliation. And if we are letting this war to continue it will not get any better. Who still believes that this war can be solved by war? How long do we let Putin and Zelensky sacrifice the lives of thousands of fathers and sons?

  8. this evening ISAF-australia holy rosary
    few PASHTO refuges nearby BONDSTEEL
    and we just asked about
    may CROATIA helps CRIMEA hooliganes
    against TIMOSHENKO which trippier's 2018 really ussed
    and question about USSR petokratka LLAPI ardian kozniku U.K.-KFOR

  9. British is not Russia. Well last week Ukrainian had advanced 500 hundred miles into Russia, the week before was 600 miles. Today 400 hundred miles, next week will be 300 miles. Are those NATO Ukrainian troops advancing backwards? By the way no mercenary will come out of Russia alive only some Ukrainians are being spare.

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