Alright which one of you was it

Alright which one of you was it

by StonedJesus98

  1. ![gif](giphy|l0K3Y1kfhjrfNZuco|downsized)

    No more professional Balconing. Only casual allowed.

  2. Are the Scots counted as British or Scottish in this ranking? I sure hope the former or they’d be invincible.

  3. This is the only sport that Barry invented AND where he can actually win and Scot wants to shut it down?

    Scotland is why England can’t have nice things

  4. Typical, a Scottish member of parliament trying to shut down the website now that we are first place in the leaderboard

  5. im sure closing the website will help stop this bizarre trend of people falling off perfectly safe balconies.

    is not like driving attention towards avoidable dangers can actually make people be mindful of them and save lives.

  6. It’s easy man, don’t jump over a balcony and the website will die eventually. It’s not that the web calls for competition, yet…

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