Trump forgot is was his White House in 2020, ooops

Trump forgot is was his White House in 2020, ooops

Posted by mmccxi

  1. Donnie’s cheese has completely slipped off his cracker.

    The man has been nuts for years but the pressure of the campaign and his impending sentencing for his 34 felony convictions is accelerating his decline. 

    I couldn’t be more happy.

  2. Yeah he’s fucking cracking up.

    He’s almost 80 and very overweight, and there is a lot of stressful shit going on in his life, and it’s showing.

  3. To be fair, republican’s aren’t smart/sane enough to care who was president during the 2020 election. Trump spews trigger words for the rapid dotards

  4. He’s just so old and doesn’t think straight. This is becoming elder abuse by the GOP.

  5. Bro you got CONVICTED of bribing someone to kill a story to win an election. Stfu and sit down.

  6. His tombstone outside the penitentiary will someday say: “He died doing what he loved, complaining that something was rigged”.

  7. This was when the justice department asked Facebook to stop showing a bunch of stolen revenge porn, which included Hunter, wasn’t it?

    There was nothing about suppressing the “laptop story” just “don’t show people’s dicks without their express written consent because, you know, that’s *the law.*”

  8. Hunter’s laptop? Holy jumping Jehoshaphat, we’re back to THAT bullshit?

    Desperate much?

  9. Doesn’t matter. His cult will be repeating this like it’s gospel. Spreading it around like herpes.

  10. Suppress stories = rigged election?
    So, him paying Stormy, is that rigging an election?

  11. My favorite of his idiotic nonsense is the Ronnie Reagan ads in heavy rotation on YouTube asking if I’m better off today that I was four years ago.

    Motherfucker, four years ago was 2020, I was spraying Lysol on groceries and wearing a mask and stuck at home and worried I’d lose my job and hunting for toilet paper and meat and bread four years ago.  You bet your goddamn ass I’m better off now that I was four years ago.

  12. Fake outrage because Biden asked FB to take Hunter’s dick pic down. Meanwhile, Mango Unchained was PAYING the National Enquirer for horrible headlines about Hillary for a year, and paying off a porn star to keep quiet. Which one do you think is more election interference y?

  13. These are the same people that think it was suspicious that Obama didn’t do anything to stop 9/11 and would like to know where he was that day.

  14. What does Hunter Biden’s laptop have anything to do with the election being rigged? Hunter isn’t even relevant anymore. The Republican party spent so much time and taxpayers money on that shit and it all went to waste.

  15. So Donald, why did you and your administration protect Hunter Biden? What do you have to hide?

  16. So, it’s been four years, what exactly *is* the laptop story? Surely something has come of that by now.

  17. Yes, the EXPLOSIVE Hunter Biden laptop story. If only we knew then what we know now!  


  18. 5:12 AM.

    Someone get this man help. He’s basically begging for it at this point.

  19. MAGA has been blaming Biden Admin for shit Trump did for years now. They don’t care. They just say things and lie, like Trump. 

  20. This is the thing with the revelations today. The story says the white house in 2020 requested FB suppress/censor covid related posts. The 2020 white house was the trump administration white house. I know why they’re pushing blame onto the Biden administration but its absolutely bonkers at this point the shit popping up

  21. An election is rigged if peoples votes are not properly counted, and by the way they were according to all of the courts and so just like when Trump I sent it to the presidency

  22. Sure bro go hop on your time machine and go back to 2020. Dont bring a mask and stay there.

  23. I think his followers think he was president between 2017-2019, but also never stopped being president

  24. I’m starting a movement. I’m gonna respond to every Trump comment with a series of laughing emojis because I believe that, like Pennywise, ridicule is this guys only weakness. Here I go:

  25. Why is he up typing this shit at 5 o’clock in the morning? We need to stop this psycho. He can never be entrusted to run anything, let alone America. He is OLD and insane. Vote 🔵.

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