Trump Slammed Over ‘Disgraceful’ Behavior at Soldiers’ Graves

Trump Slammed Over ‘Disgraceful’ Behavior at Soldiers’ Graves

Trump Slammed Over ‘Disgraceful’ Behavior at Soldiers’ Graves

Posted by inewser

  1. Those others I hope are not family members of the deceased,if they were they should be ashamed of themselves.

  2. How many times do you need to see the evidence of his contempt for people who serve in the military?

  3. I’m shocked at this coming from the guy that called John McCain a ‘loser’ and a ‘sucker’ and asked “what’s in it for them?” about people in the military.

  4. That man is so self-absorbed he can’t put his ego aside for one second to realize he should not be doing this.

  5. Why was he allowed to go there anyway? Or lay a wreath at The Tomb of the Unknown? Private Bone Spurs is a disgrace.

  6. He used that as a photo op. Why would he think that was a good idea to give a thumbs up 👍🏻 while standing behind a soldier’s grave. He’s a disgrace.

  7. Treasonous Rump would piss on solders graves if he thought it would get him votes or donations, he is a FIVE time draft dodging coward POS. AND anyone supporting him is as unAmerican as they,come Cox included the POS for aiding and abetting this photo op stunt.

  8. “You suckers and losers have no idea how much I’m using you to try to boost my campaign!”

  9. Thank you, Adam Kinzinger, for reminding everyone out there that it was TRUMP who ordered the release from Afghanistan. I’m so tired of listening to that orange asshole claiming he had nothing do to with that and Biden botched it all.

  10. And he will get a complete pass by those on the right that would lose their freaking minds if anyone on the other side of the aisle acted as an iota as insensitive as he does.

  11. If this photo is real, then that’s really messed up.
    I’m not surprised at all, but still messed up.

  12. Does the weird orange man only own one shitty suit, or does he order them by the dozen? He always looks like he’s tipping forward when posing. Perhaps he’s shrinking and stuffing more lifts in his shoes.

  13. The mother of his children was buried for a tax write-off and remains nondescript — he’s a monster.

  14. When grump passes think they will have a urinal on his grave? Or will he be buried in a golf course?

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