Kennedy Says Trump Will ‘Make Americans Healthy.’ His Record Suggests Otherwise. | As president, Donald J. Trump slashed protections for clean air and water and weakened school nutrition standards.

Kennedy Says Trump Will ‘Make Americans Healthy.’ His Record Suggests Otherwise. | As president, Donald J. Trump slashed protections for clean air and water and weakened school nutrition standards.

by silence7

  1. Republicans mean the opposite of what they say. Merely saying it is enough, somehow…

  2. Don’t forget over a million americans died during a pandemic he rediculed, suggested was a hoax, and ultimately took credit for ending. And Kennedy is an anti-vaxxer idiot who also has blood on his hands. If these two want to make Americans healthier they should go drink a good amount of bleach.

  3. After his performance during the pandemic, we all know Trump won’t make anyone healthy. 

  4. Well sure! If you kill off a million or so elderly and ill people out of sheer incompetence and malice (instead of actually trying to sanely address a goddamn pandemic), then Americans, on average, become *more* healthy.

  5. Dude, just read some of the things he and Shanahan have said, they are very self delusional because they can sound nice and shape the lives of others deciding that their notions must be correct, from on top of a pile of privilege and money and not give one shit about those who they get hurt.

  6. Yeah sure. Doctor Trump in the house:

    *Well Covid has rounded the corner! But if you’re still under the weather I can write you a prescription for Clorox!*

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