A Russian serviceman, unwilling to go to the front lines, attempted suicide. Miraculously, he survived after shooting himself in the neck with a machine gun, the bullet exited through his forehead.

A Russian serviceman, unwilling to go to the front lines, attempted suicide. Miraculously, he survived after shooting himself in the neck with a machine gun, the bullet exited through his forehead.

by Affectionate-Day-552

  1. Oof man this is insane I dont know if I should feel happy for him or bad for him at this rate

  2. So the one thing he feared more than dying, happened to him while he was trying to die. In about the worst way possible.
    I mean… you can’t make this up.

  3. *”It was a million to one shot Doc. A million to one.”*

    Now, back to the zero line for you.

  4. Huh, missed all his optic nerves and can still see and smell….let alone swallow. How is that possible.

  5. I would be the Guy founding him, i really don’t Know if i would carry and help him survive or mercy kill him…with his hands covered in blood and probably some bit of brain he just might not be able to proceed pain or what is hapenning yet

  6. Translation:

    >- What did you do, did you shot yourself in the head? What did you do?

    >- [Points to the neck]

    >- Wait, what did you do, did you shot yourself? Why the hell did you do that? Did you want to kill yoursel?

    >- [shakes head]

    >- What do you mean no? Shot yourself in the neck, damn.

    >- This is fucked!

    >- [radio] Did you help him?

    >- Yes, yes, we bandaged him. Do we have anymore bandage? Put it on the neck.

    >- I’ll bandage him.

  7. Astounded by the lack of humanity in the comments. Anyone with any intellect understands the lack of options these conscripts have. It’s actually very sad

  8. So, the proud Russian army now mostly consists of serial grandma-rapists/murderers and folks who, literally, rather shoot their brains out?
    Somehow those two combined, make sense.
    In a ‘modern Russian army’ kind of way.

  9. That’s fucking wild that he survived a rifle round like holly shit how lucky u have to be for that to have happened or probably unlucky rather lol

  10. I said this happened to someone my dad knew on combatfootage about a month ago and got downvoted for it saying it was highly doubtful. Especially nice for me seeing this!

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