Kremlin Demands Evidence in Telegram CEO Case Amid French Allegations

Kremlin Demands Evidence in Telegram CEO Case Amid French Allegations

Kremlin Demands Evidence in Telegram CEO Case Amid French Allegations

by ExtensionEnergy1804

  1. Interesting how krimling stepped In to protect the guy, after they seemingly stole his prev business (vkontakte), this also should play as a factor against durov. I use Telegram as well as many Ukrainians, but if proven of providing information to russia I won’t oppose the ban

  2. Russians are in no position to ask for, let alone demand, such things.

    They’ve utterly forfeited the privileges of being heard and granted the benefit of the doubt with their medieval-grade behavior and open and repeated contempt for the rules-based concepts of the civilized world.

    It only emboldens them when we try to play by the rules with them.

  3. They can see and hear all the evidence in court just like any other outsider who has nothing to do with French jurisdiction.

  4. Kremlin can shove their demands in to their asses. Kremlin has no right to demand anything while literally being a total cancer of the modern world.

  5. Their outrage and their attempt to shift the conversation to a “free speech” or “privacy” issue tells you everything you need to know about Durov’s relationship to the Kremlin.

    Edit: if I’m wrong, my ego will allow me to admit that I was wrong with no internal conflict. If ruzzia is wrong (spoiler alert: they will be) they will double down on their fraud.

  6. > The Kremlin’s spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, emphasized the need for credible evidence in addressing the allegations. “Such accusations must be based on serious evidence. Without it, these claims lack legitimacy,” said Peskov during a press briefing. The Russian government appears to be taking a firm stance in protecting one of its high-profile tech entrepreneurs.

    Since when is legitimacy such a big thing in Russia?

  7. The more I hear from them about the topic the deaper become the hole I’d like France to put Durov’s ass in.

  8. Why very interested in it suddenly? Surely if he’s sentenced or something, that’s not teh end of Telegram. There has to be something beyond Telegram.

  9. These fuckers spend their time kidnapping foreign hostages visiting their country and yet they dare to ‘demand evidence’ to France for arresting a French citizen?? The audacity.

  10. Something I have always appreciated about Russia. Their passion for justice and fair trials.

  11. You’ll get them, just the same as we get them for all the foreigners you’ve imprisoned in your country. Due process, right?

  12. France. Please respond on twitter to Russia like with a video of a mime trapped in a invisible box. The mime is confused and scared.

  13. The fact that they even mention this shows precisely that it was the right thing to do. His creation is helping them execute a genocide, to make no mention of the other hideous crimes being facilitated by Telegram. 

    Companies are accountable for the impacts that their products and services have on society. In theory, anyways. Would be nice to apply that same level of rigour to industrial polluters, weapons manufacturers and companies that exploit vulnerable labourers.

  14. get right on it, just as soon as you prove the Referendums of Crimea, Donetsk ,Lugansk, Zaphorzizha and Kherson, were not fraudlent / fake

  15. Isn’t it interesting that the Kremlin and the Russian military are furious over this. It’s almost like Telegram is an asset of theirs. Almost like the falling out between Telegram and the Russian government was all one big performance to gain trust.

    I sure hope the Ukrainian military from top to bottom is being careful. Especially since there have been numerous occasions where the Russian military has known about a secret Ukrainian operation and foiled it.

  16. the evidence will be presented where it needs to be presented under French law and that is not the Kremlin

  17. Considering that Telegram is basically neo-Nazi haven where all of European Neo-Nazi scum hangs out and shares insanely gross shit, it makes me very happy to see that the CEO is in for a shit show with the French authorities. Sure Ukraine and Russia uses it for war info, but that’s not really the big deal with it.

  18. Idag about Russia. But as an eu citizen (albeit against my will) i also demand to see the evidence. I do not trust pedo lover Macron or the French Government in the slightest. I want evidence. *Real* evidence. Straight up. Otherwise this is only an attack on free speech.

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