Trump Humiliates Himself When He’s Busted Staging Yet Another ‘Pizza Delivery’ With EMPTY Pizza Boxes

Trump Humiliates Himself When He’s Busted Staging Yet Another ‘Pizza Delivery’ With EMPTY Pizza Boxes

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. *That he believes this approach will succeed a second time reveals all we need to understand about his estimation of his supporters.*

  2. One of the cult most likely just took two empty boxes off the table and handed them to trump for a photo op but trump is to stupid to know how to carry pizzas yes it’s true he did this same stick before and waved them around like he was trying to figure out what’s in the Christmas presents under the tree. Please vote! Vote blue straight down the ballot

  3. I love some good dunking on chump, but really really wish we’d just stop posting every stupid fucking thing he does. No one cares at this point. Just spend your energy posting good things about Kamala instead.

    just one guy’s humble opinion

  4. “Where’s the pizzas, old man!? Green Lantern Pizza is great pizza, what did you do with them?”

  5. Diaper Donny’s gotta save money, so he can’t afford more than empty boxes ATM.

  6. This is hilariously sad. What will this clown come up with next? Once a conman, always a conman.

    His presidency is about cheating to making money, nothing else. This is what he knows, nothing more. He has no sense of public service or doing good for the country. Never has, never will.

    He needs to spend the rest of his life behind bars and die in jail. This is essential for the country to restore a sense of itself.

  7. Everyone hates when their boss rewards their hard work with cheap pizza. Trump rewarded these basement dwelling incels with even less. Bro managed to fuck up a pizza delivery and the inbred Republicans keep telling me what a great business man he is.

  8. All these dumb or evil or weird things trump does doesn’t even get seen by Fox News sheep.

  9. This dude is pulling the “Hey! Can’t give you a raise but here’s pizza!” tactic without actual pizza?!? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    You can’t make this shit up

  10. WHY WOULDN’T YOU JUST BUY THE PIZZAS. Even if it’s an act just have a guy go buy like $100 in pizza. He’s supposed to be a fuckin billionaire!? I know rich people can be cheap because they covet money but holy fuck.

  11. It’s unbelievable to me even today interacting with maga’s how completely brainwashed they are. I really really really hope Harris and Walz wins and he goes away forever. I’ve been sick of him/them since he did the Obama’s birth certificate thing. Etc.

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