Ukraine calls on allies to drop weapons restrictions | DW News

Ukraine calls on allies to drop weapons restrictions | DW News

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that his military used Western-supplied F-16 fighter jets to shoot down drones and missiles fired by Russia in recent attacks. Ukraine also asked it’s allies to lift weapons restrictions.


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#Ukraine #Russia #f16

  1. 1 John 2:15-17
    15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
    16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
    17 And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever.

    Quote By Jose Trevino
    Society in MANY different ways creates prison cells for our minds. If we as a people are smart enough, we are able to BREAK out of the prison cells that society builds for our minds, if we are NOT smart enough to break out of the prison cells, we will get trapped inside of them to the point where we will lose our very soul.

    Quote By Jose Trevino
    Man has ALWAYS tried to take something good and natural and TWIST and MODIFY it to his own will. Man has ALWAYS tried in his OWN will to INCREASE the LONGEVITY of things and of people, man has always tried to play God but he WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO.

    Quote By Jose Trevino
    Man has always been the one who has DESTROYED the natural order of things, has always been the one who has destroyed a perfect paradise, he will continue to do this UNTIL he will NO LONGER be able to.

  2. What do you think about: “Sooner or later Europe including Ukraine will fall if the big countries do not allow Ukraine to use long range weapons on Russian territory now.” It is a strange way of thinking in term of “escalating”. This war already started long time ago and if you deliver weapons, yes you are in to it! Hesitating is by far the worst you can do during any fight you can think of, which means if you wait to long, you get punched by your opponent. Orrrrr are you “hesitating” with some reason, for example that you follow some master plan that nobody could not have ever dreamed of or that you only think in “what’s in it for me?”, weaponindustry on a commercial way?

  3. This journalist is talking with her shoulders, her shaking head, her flying hair and her lips without her mouth.
    Even her eyes are dancing in tune with a Shakespeare drama.
    Even her hands seem to make an offer to the only God of King Tut himself.

  4. Zelensky needs to get his own weapons
    It's no wonder all the men left Ukraine once this conflict started.
    Let's hope Zelensky i throws in the towel soon

  5. The media is misleading in its coverage. Ukraine does have long-range missiles, and they are using them daily to attack Russian cities. You should focus on how Ukraine is targeting Russian cities, energy facilities, and civilian homes. When Russia retaliates, global news portrays Ukraine as an innocent victim, and Russia as the aggressor. Perhaps it's time for Russia to start disabling all bridges and government buildings in Ukraine.

  6. The U.S had a max of 100,000 soldiers in Afghanistan, which is 252,000 sq. miles. Ukraine is trying to cover Russia at 6 MILLION sq. miles. A little help folks… lets go!!

  7. Russia will drop restriction on using a nuclear weapon on Ukraine to force unconditional surrender. Ukraine's partners cannot do anything after that incident, they will be afraid to be hit themselves. Ukraine is living dangerously, and the west is encouraging it to save its own face.

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