NFL owners vote in favor of private equity investment; select firms commit $12 billion

NFL owners vote in favor of private equity investment; select firms commit $12 billion

by thinkB4WeSpeak

  1. More on this subject from other reputable sources:

    – Axios (B+): [The NFL is poised to allow private equity ownership](
    – Financial Times (A-): [National Football League to allow private equity investment for first time](
    – Reuters (A): [NFL expected to vote in favor of private equity ownership, CNBC reports](
    – Washington Post (B): [NFL owners gather to consider changes to private equity rules](

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  2. RIP NFL.

    I’ve been involved with private equity several times over the last decade and they seem to add no value but manage to extract so much.

  3. Private Equity: Destroying everything you ever loved one fiscal year at a time.

    Buckle up, the NFL is the best it will ever be starting yesterday.

  4. New NFL rules (kickoff, tackles, catches) will slowly move me from the game of ”no-contact/penalty filled, baby contact of high priced social media ”its about me” sport.
    Like baseball which I stopped watching after the suped up bats/balls, easily hurt players, and now timed events, I will slowly ween off football which a Gambling Sport and a Competitve Sport, nowadays

  5. Well, maybe now we can get rid of their tax privileged status and force each team to build their own stadiums moving forward.

  6. Of all the things that I’d be sad to see get eaten alive by private equity NFL isn’t one of them.

    Maybe I can stop spending my taxpayer dollars on their stadiums now.

    I am wondering how they’re going to make football worse than it already is though.

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