This is why you always wear your plate carrier: A Ukrainian soldier cheats death when assaulting a Russian position in Zaporizhzhia Oblast, taking multiple shots to the chest plate, and one glancing blow to his helmet. He is wounded in the leg but retreats to safety. More information in comments.

This is why you always wear your plate carrier: A Ukrainian soldier cheats death when assaulting a Russian position in Zaporizhzhia Oblast, taking multiple shots to the chest plate, and one glancing blow to his helmet. He is wounded in the leg but retreats to safety. More information in comments.

by lacqueredcase762

  1. It’s obvious that the video cuts out before this episode is over. I suspect that since this is filmed from a Russian drone, the Ukrainians were successful in their attack and eventually took the position. This is IMHO the most likely reason for the Russian source not showing the complete footage. If the Ukrainians had died, or run away, you can be sure they would have shown it.

  2. shows difference between cheap airsoft armor that mobiks usually have and proper plate carrier

  3. Fuggin shit, this gave me the heebie jeebies! I’m kinda glad he *didn’t* roll over. Keep the armor between you and the enemy but when you have the wind knocked out of you, its all operating on adrenaline. One of the more harrowing videos of late!

  4. The absolute mad lad goes back to finish the job. Russian drone conveniently cuts the footage

  5. That doesn’t look like retreating to me. It seems he got his buddy and is headed back lol.

  6. I think they pissed him off…instead of going to get his leg looked at he grabs a buddy and a grenade and it’s go time again LMAO. Ukrainians are made of some serious shit.

  7. I could hear him talking to himself “I going to limp my ass over and get a fucking grenade and come back and blow his dick off!!! Fuck that hurt!

  8. not sure this isn;t a cat because that men just spend 3 out his 9 lives. but what a total badass fighting back

  9. For the confused Russians: Yes the inserts in your Plate Carrier are supposed to be Steel or an Compound Material to stop bullets and not foam.

  10. I wish the clip wasn’t cut where it was. It looks like he grabs a grenade and goes back to finish the job, which is all sorts of crazy. Dude has some massive balls.

  11. shooting someone and knowing you are hitting them only to see them run away has to be demoralizing in some ways.

  12. He really went back for a nade like “that mf thinks he can shoot me and get away with it, well I’ll fucking show him”

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