Two drinks limit will curb rise in drunken violence mid-air, Ryanair boss says

Two drinks limit will curb rise in drunken violence mid-air, Ryanair boss says

by tylerthe-theatre

  1. Ya think people are tanking up to raging point at your inflight prices?

    No, they’re tanking up either at the airport or on the duty free they bought and opened on the ground or early in the flight.

  2. >But we don’t allow people to drink-drive, yet we keep putting them up in aircraft at 33,000 feet.”

    They’re not piloting the bloody plane, Michael 😂

    Not that I don’t think this is an issue, just a bit of a shit analogy on his part.

  3. If we’re setting a max then I’d far rather pints per hour as a designation.

    I like to get there early, then relax in the lounge, maybe do a bit of shopping. Some food, a few beers.

    One per hour is absolutely not unreasonable so a 2 maximum won’t work for me.

    Maybe just ban folks that can’t hold their ale on a case by case basis?

    Tired of rules being enforced on all of us because a few of us can’t manage their drink, fists, or get stabby of a weekend. Police those that needs policing and stop bugging the rest of us?

  4. It’s like us all not being allowed to take toothpaste because one group of knobheads tried making liquid bombs.

    75% of people waiting for ryanair flights want to kick off the holiday with a decent airport piss up, if one or two out of the thousands throw up or start fights on the plane, it adds to the entertainment.

    Now I do understand that aircrew are people and aren’t starting a holiday, and they would like to not get attacked on planes, but I think bigger punishment for those that cross the line and advertise those punishments is better than the classic air-travel route of banning the only part of flying people enjoy for everybody, the innocents should be allowed to drink.

  5. Most recently British Airways gave me two at the time, which I greatly appreciated. I prefer the two drink minimum of BA.

  6. Limiting drinks on flight won’t stop pre-flight drinks. Or does he mean two drink limit in life itself. Shit. I am never flying again!

  7. Insist we turn up to airports 3 hours early. Take away the one thing that’s even remotely enjoyable in airports.

    Not a big fan of the proposal, won’t lie.

  8. Stop telling people they need to arrive at airports 3hrs before meaning they spend more time air side drinking. With online checkin, bag drops, self serve machines its not required. Security is/will get faster as more get rid of the 100ml limit having to be in a clear bag.

    Airports want you there early tho so you spend more money

  9. Or, maybe just have an absolute zero tolerance and ban anyone getting violent on flights from being ever being allowed to fly or leave the country again. Plently of people don’t start causing fights and getting violent when drunk. The people getting violent and using their drunkeness as an excuess were likely the kind of people that would be more inclined toward unnecessary violence when sober anyway.

    Maybe punish the perpetrators rather than trying to deal out collective punishment.

  10. Just ban alcohol at airports and on flights . Problem solved . 16 hours without alcohol will not harm anyone.

  11. The airline that profits from making flying as unbearable as it can possibly be wants to make it even more unbearable, but this time for passengers travelling with other carriers as well.

  12. I quit drinking a while back, but drinking on a plane was always the worst idea. Ultra headache within minutes and just feeling like total crap whilst uncomfortable didn’t feel good

  13. Unless it’s Guinness. Nobody ever drinks Guinness and decides the best thing to do now that we’re airborne is to throw hands. They just sit there, slightly peckish, smiling.

  14. Why do we need to sell alcohol in airports in general? There isn’t an off license on the bus so why do so many people need to drink at an airport…often at like 6am. That would solve the issue.

  15. The rise of booze fuelled incidents occurring in the air such as assaults on staff/passengers etc is unacceptable and disgusting behaviour.

    However, you can’t enforce limits on how much someone should be allowed to drink.

    If these types of incidents are on the rise as he claims then the government should absolutely crank up the punishment for such acts or even create an new law legislation entirely relating to crimes in airports or on planes as such.

  16. Notice how he says ‘at airports’ not on the plane. Call me cynical but I think old Mick has seen an area he could profit from here. A drunk sleepy passenger doesn’t spend as much as a thirsty awake one.

  17. Yeah that’s dumb. I’m perfectly capable of behaving after a few drinks. People need to stop making excuses for shit behaviors

  18. I think it’s less of a problem to airlines who don’t have a business model based on taking SPP on cheap drinking holidays and failing to transport them on the day booked.

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