Furious parents demand £11k refund after class equipment dumped in skips at Scottish primary school [Midlothian]

Furious parents demand £11k refund after class equipment dumped in skips at Scottish primary school [Midlothian]

by abz_eng

  1. Parents raise a decent amount for the school, buying approved equipment and the council just throws it out?

    *Not their money* attitude from a council, which is sadly not uncommon

  2. Same thing happened in Oban a few years back. Schools crying out for funds for new books and dictionaries etc, somebody found a skip outside the council office with thousands of pounds worth, still in wrappers, heading for the dump.

  3. Just fucking baffling. Could the Council not donate stuff to charities in need? Where were the headteachers in this? Whole story doesn’t paint the public sector in a good light, gotta say

  4. The councils contractor which run the schools hired a contractor to do a deep clean. What a totally baffling state of governing schools in itself which arguably leads to this sort of wastage.

  5. Silo thinking has bedevilled Local Authorities for over 40 years. I was an ICT Change Project Manager and suggested that old ICT equipment could be donated to families who couldn’t afford PCs. You’d have thought I was speaking Martian. The amount of red tape and health and safety concerns they threw up was staggering. I suggested all the stuff was wiped and people signed disclaimers. Even that didn’t work. That amount of perfectly usable ICT equipment that’s skipped by businesses each year is criminal.

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