Kreml warnt Frankreich vor Versuchen, Telegram-Chef Durov einzuschüchtern

Kreml warnt Frankreich vor Versuchen, Telegram-Chef Durov einzuschüchtern

  1. Welp, I had been siding with privacy up til now but if the Kremlin is complaining then France must be doing something right.

  2. Durov is a French citizen.

    Perhaps one should not become a citizen of a western nation and then assist the FSB with their efforts?

  3. From the article: **French prosecutors accuse the 39-year-old billionaire of failing to curb the spread of illegal content on Telegram — charges his company denies.**

    If the accusation is true, it should be easy to prove. Also, the fact that Russia is showing interest actually make me believe the charge is true.

  4. Oh don’t worry we didn’t try to intimidate him. We went ahead and just arrested him. 

  5. Fuk off kremlin putin and dummy team are jokers world is laughing at them wherever and what ur agenda is world will destroy it

  6. Is there a Russian version of the “boy who cried wolf” because the Gremlin has issues so many warnings 

  7. Russia can’t even protect its own borders. WTH are they going to do to France.

    China – Can you please get your dog! It is shitting on the carpet again.

  8. France now has Russia’s chief of communications in custody. Telegram is not safe, guys 😉 It may be safe if you only use “Secret chat”, but otherwise, Russia can see *ALL* your communication, videos and photos.

  9. The Kremlin and Iran made threats regarding Durov’s arrest…. It makes me wonder in which ways he was useful to them.

  10. Oh gee Russia really seems to be bothered by this, they must feel quite threatened by France. In fact, one might even think that Russia might have much to hide – much to hide that they do not want surfacing by any means.

    This must really be a less than ideal situation for Russia. Who would have known!!

  11. Why do I get the feeling that Durov is gonna end up _accidentally_ falling out of a window or ingesting some radioactive isotope by week’s end?

  12. Oh boy, sounds like they are afraid he is going to flip on them. Can’t wait to see the next few days.

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