After yesterday’s explosion at the Russian refinery “Omsky”, almost half of the plant’s capacity was stopped.

After yesterday’s explosion at the Russian refinery “Omsky”, almost half of the plant’s capacity was stopped.

by Ok_Paramedic_3422

  1. I’ve heard that place is like some massive oil refining industrial park the size of a city. Will take a lot of drones or strikes on critical parts to shut whole place down.

  2. Need much more of this before Russia will capitulate. Hit one refinery a day cutting supply in half and in a few weeks, not even a month and Russia will be on there knees.

  3. So I was trying to figure out what is going on there by looking at the FIRMS site, and it looks like place is always on fire. I bet when they’re operating normally, they’re constantly burning flares from the same few spots.

    The place looks like it’s shut down. Nothing for the last two days. It’s not on fire, but I haven’t found another two day stretch with no “fires” going back to July.

  4. Maybe 100%? The Russians say everything is “operating as normal” but:

    >Two sources familiar with the details said a crude distillation unit, CDU-11, one of two largest primary refining units at the plant, was affected by the fire. Another primary unit, CDU-10, was already idle due to fire in early August. CDU-10 and CDU-11 each have a production capacity of around 8.6 million metric tons per [year](

    What is a “crude distillation unit” you ask?

    >The crude oil distillation unit (CDU) is **the first processing unit in virtually all petroleum refineries and one of the most critical**. The CDU distills the incoming crude oil into various fractions of different boiling ranges, each of which are then processed further in the other refining processing units.

  5. That is a huge site.

    There’s still work to be done there, maybe having a go at the rail marshalling yard on the eastern edge of the site would be fun.

  6. So everyday, this counts for about 250.000 barrels daily x pricecap value US$ 61,00 = US$ 15+ million per day.

    # half of the plant’s capacity 

  7. More than just drone strikes can take out one of these plants. I suspect with sanctions some of the controllers may be failing or been hacked is another possibility. No replacement controllers or no ability to update the software controling these processes and stuff blows up.

  8. ÄÄh – minor damages – easy to fix – need only few adjustment and keep on going..

    So nothing to worry

  9. Ha… in my previous job, we manufacture hydraulic equipment that would supply this oil refinery. Hilarious

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