An increasing number of Americans think Ukraine is winning its war with Russia

In the wake of Ukraine's recent invasion into Russia's Kursk Oblast, Americans have become more likely to say Ukraine is currently winning its war with Russia. According to the August 17 – 20 Economist / YouGov Poll, 22% of U.S. adult citizens say Ukraine is winning, while 16% say Russia is. Another 34% say neither side is winning and 28% aren't sure.

by YouGov_Official

  1. Because they are.

    Putin has lost.
    Sweden and Finland are NATO
    Russia’s arms sales abroad are worthless.
    600k Russians dead.
    The Russian economy is broken.
    Production of oil and sales is worthless.

  2. the sacrifice is too great to call it winning; unfortunately, it will remain that way for another one or two years until russia exhausts its offensive capabilities

  3. Let’s hope the US still supports Ukraine next year! There’s a lot of war left to fight. Even if Putin’s government falls, it’ll be replaced by another Putin like ruler, likely from his inner circle.

  4. As an American I really hate to say this, but I think the outcome ultimately hinges on what our government decides to do, and I think that’s by design. I feel like people in my government want the war to drag on for as long as possible to weaken Russia as much as possible and they don’t really care how many lives it costs. Hopefully this mindset changes when the administration does.

  5. It’s def still a stalemate right now. Ukraine’s Kursk offensive has slowed down a lot this week. Russia is still nibbling its way towards Chasiv Yar and Pokrovsk, taking a sq km here and there every day. Ukraine is destroying lots of Russian energy and transport infrastructure but Russia is destroying lots of Ukrainian stuff far from the front too. This is why I think NATO should send some troops to the Donbas front. It will give Ukraine that little extra push it needs to break through the Surovikin line and split up Russia’s forces into smaller more digestible chunks.

  6. “No one won the last war, and no one will win the next war.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

  7. 1/3 of American males were in uniform in WW2. Ukraine needs to mobilize to the same extent in order to defeat the Russians.

  8. Russia is losing the war in the same way that Germany lost WW2 when it invaded the Soviets and the West decided to help the Soviets via lend lease

  9. Yea, because now we see a path towards victory… through Russia.

    Ukraine has taken the first city on the road to Moscow and the road ahead is relatively clear compared with roads in eastern Ukraine, Wagner was almost able to drive right into Moscow. Ukraine is also close to vital and strategic assets like the Kursk NPP.

    Russia ran away from Kyiv and is now fighting for a city on the opposite end of the country. They are fighting a slow battle to reach a city which has been depopulated and at the moment does not contribute much to Ukraines war effort. It will take Russia decades to reach Kyiv or even Dnipro at their current rate. The Ukrainian military is much closer to Moscow now than Russia is to Kyiv.

    Kursk changed everything.

  10. This is just another war of attrition that Russia is responsible for. There will be no winner, but Ukraine does stand a decent shot at defending their territory.

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