Median Equivalised disposable income in Europe

Median Equivalised disposable income in Europe


  1. # Median Equivalised disposable income is one of the most accurate measurements of wealth, because it accounts for all expenses (taxes, social spending etc.), including higher living costs, and adjusts for purchasing power parity. Also, it takes the median, not the average, which means that it’s a better representation of the broad mass of people, leaving out the few hyper-rich who would distort the data

  2. Check mate trickle down deniers! You can literally see the wealth dripping from Norway, through Denmark, down to Central Europeans disposable income paradise!

  3. I don’t think Italy and Spain are on the same level of France. Italy not for sure, we’re one of the few countries (in Europe) where real wages have fallen in the last decades.

    Rent for flats (in small-medium cities) is hard to afford, for smaller ones you spend around 7-800€ (without bills) when a worker’s net salary is 1500€ more or less.

  4. I love the fact that there is a cutout map of Liechtenstein just to show “no data”

  5. With a minimum wage job in Ireland adjusted for PPP. Your disposable income works out to around 18,500. But according to this graph the median of the entire country is somehow below 22,000.

    According to both governments stats base norways median disposable household income was only 3,000 more than Irelands in 2022. 50,000 vs 47,000. Norway is also more expensive than Ireland.

    But on this graph Norway is shown to have around 50% more than Irelands disposable income. This graph is a load of shite.

  6. Now compare this with the US, then ask yourselves if it’s reasonable that we have lower disposable income in the EU, when our combined GDP is roughly the same as theirs #taxesaretoohigh

  7. But the French told me the financial gain in Switzerland is offset by the higher cost of living!

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