Hey pro-life peeps which of you are stepping up to adopt these kids?

Hey pro-life peeps which of you are stepping up to adopt these kids?

Posted by SardonicSuperman

  1. Those babies are already born. They need to get jobs and stop mooching off the taxpayers.

  2. Whoa, there, hoss. Pro-lifers check out as soon as the baby is breathing on its own.

  3. You might need to adjust your thinking.

    Like a 17 year old becoming an adult at 18, they lose the protection they had as a non-adult.

    Pro-lifers are all about protecting the unborn. After they are born the pro-lifers have done their job and the child is on its own.

    Pretty F’ed up but that is the reality. They don’t care. At all.

  4. Man, I would volunteer, but I imagine there are so many Christians lining up that I have no chance

  5. Let’s just deliver them to every church door. Surely, the god-loving members will embrace them as their own.

  6. Did Texas at least do foster care reform? Or dump some $ and workers into it? Knowing that forcing people to have babies still might not mean they wanted to keep them

  7. Just dump them into some radically religious funded foster care system that can groom them into sub-educated fanatic child warriors. Use them to subjugate America into subservience. Profit. What could go wrong? WWJD? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  8. If they don’t adopt them they will be used for adrenochrome until they reach preteen age. Then sent to an orphanage.

  9. Having the baby is the woman’s punishment for spreading her legs. It’s the consequence of her actions. She doesn’t get to just dump the baby off on the taxpayers. That’s not fair. Soon she’ll be shackled into servitude and forced to raise the baby-

    Wait, that’s not official. Nobody wrote any of that part down. You don’t get to say that’s part of project 2025 when none of that has been published. You’re not going to catch me out on that.


  10. Time to register pro-lifers for their mandatory adoption. It can be like jury duty, chosen at random.

  11. When they say abandoned, are people abandoning them at like a safe place like a firehouse? Just asking because I’m a pregnant mother and I can’t stand the idea of infants being harmed 😭

  12. I gotta ask.


    Is there any reason these people can’t give their kids to CPS or something? Like, isn’t there a way to pretty much give them up for adoption instead of just abandoning them some random place?

  13. Waiting until MTG makes a claim that because it happened in Harris County, Kamala is behind it

  14. None, they only care about what females do with their bodies. They don’t give a shit about abandoned babies.

  15. Christians should be lining up. Hiring buses and making sure they camp out everyday to make sure someone is adopting those children. You crowed long and loud that’s what you wanted. Time to step up and celebrate your victory.

  16. I’m prochoice anyway but yes, this is an excellent point.

    I worked at a couple of groups homes(very briefly) for kids who were wards of the state waiting to get adopted. Most foster kids never get adopted and age out of the system. Once they turn 18 they are expected to move out.

    It was one of the hardest jobs I ever had(and that is saying something). Perhaps it was partly due to my own stress at the time, but you could just feel the sadness in the air. Those kids have been so traumatized and deprived of love. It’s truly heartbreaking.

    Most adoptions that happen are of babies through private agencies. Alot of people don’t adopt kids who are older and have had trauma and behavior issues.

    I honestly would adopt if I could but I can’t even take care of myself.

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