Trump Caves to Harris Debate Terms After Being Called a Chicken

Trump Caves to Harris Debate Terms After Being Called a Chicken

Posted by likeaforest

  1. It’s hilarious that his campaign fought so hard to have him muted.

    They’ve been watching how unhinged he sounds in every public appearance and they know they can’t control what he says. They are terrified of what he is likely to say and how he is likely to behave.

  2. If it has feathers like a chicken, and it squaws like a chicken, and it looks like a chicken. It’s a chicken 🐓

  3. I don’t think it’s a cause and effect thing.

    It’s important to remember that Donny’s malignant narcissism factors into every single thing he does.

    When he’s faced with something he has to do but doesn’t want to do, his first instinct is always always always to try and assume control of it, and talk as if he already controlled it. Well, **lie** as if he already controlled it is probably more accurate.

    It’s only when he can’t, when the avenues for him making it “his” are exhausted and it’s entirely forced upon him, that he will find some way to position it as something he wanted to do all along if he possibly can. And if he can’t do that, then it’s someone else’s fault.

    And he’ll whine on Truth Social at 3AM about it.

    The headline here is wishful thinking. He didn’t “cave”. He was just delaying and deferring, as he always does, in hopes that some way of commanding the situation surfaced so he didn’t have to do it.

    It didn’t.

    And he is going to get DESTROYED.

  4. Am I reading this wrong? The previous CNN debate rules had muted mics didn’t they? The article says he’s agreed to the same terms as that debate. Which is not what the Harris camp wanted

  5. LOL.

    Could you guys lie harder?

    Trump had agreed to the rules with Biden to have the same format for the ABC debate as the CNN debate, which he had no problem with.

    THEN, he intimated that after HARRIS tried to change the rules, that he might not do the debate.

    Harris was asking to have a prepared opening statement (read off a teleprompter, of course), a seated debate, and NOTE CARDS to answer the debate questions!


    The problem is that even her own handlers know she can’t handle a debate with Trump, or even a SOLO ONE ON INTERVIEW with an unbiased journalist. LOL Tampon Tim has to be there to bail her out.


    You guys are really shameless and pathetic, and if you don’t think that the American people don’t know this, you are fooling yourselves.

  6. give it a few days, he’ll coward out again.

    He didn’t want to do it at first,

    then wanted to do it on his own terms on a different station,

    after he got told he was being stupid he wanted to do it again,

    Then didn’t.

    Now he wants to do it again.

  7. Kamala enters and gives Trump a stiff handshake, pulling him in and whispers, so this is what it’s like to grab a pussy.

  8. 14 more days until September 10. Plenty of time for Trump to be in or out of the debate

  9. I guess making himself look like a coward for trying to back out was worth it in the end. His ego is dangerously easy to manipulate.

  10. Let’s us just see him come up with some bullshit excuse to back out of the debate or just break the rules of the debate, and when he breaks the rules of the debate he’s going act like he is the victim.

  11. *Today* he has agreed. That will change tomorrow. It always does, doesn’t it? Why anyone listens to any of the noise coming from him I’ll never know.

  12. How did he cave if the rules are the same as the last debate? There will be a mute button in that case, right?

  13. So bully him and he caves? I predict that by the end of the debate, he will whole heartedly endorse Kamala. He is simply that spineless and stupid 🤡

  14. This was a strategic move by Harris’s campaign that was counterintuitive. It put Trump on the back foot, and showed him caving to Harris. Kamala is the former California Attorney General who will be on stage with a felon convicted of serial fraud in business and found civilly liable for business fraud in NY, now pretending to run for president.

    Kamala can see Trump’s future, with a prosecutor’s mindset. She is the first prosecutor to get a shot at him, as a convicted felon “in the system,” on his way to his first sentencing. When she has him on stage, she just needs to push the “felon” button once to get him going. Keeping the mic on is letting Trump be Trump.

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